
Thursday, January 17, 2013

And So It Begins: Working With the Scientific Method

We are beginning our science study on using the scientific method. We will be looking at data collection as a tie in with what we are studying in math. Students will be creating boats and seeing how much mass they can hold and we will use the collected data to draw our conclusions. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Free Rice is a quiz site and a way to help the World Food Programme end hunger. For every answer you get right, ten grains of rice will be donated. While this may not seem like a lot of rice, it adds up. An added feature is that you can now pick from several different categories of questions.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Analyzing Data

The math class has been working on analyzing data. Specifically we are finding the mean, median, mode and range as well as describing the data using line plots, frequency distribution tables, and histograms. If you don't know what these words mean, simply double click on them and the definition will pop up. If you still don't know what they mean ask one of the students, they will be happy to explain it :)

We are gathering data now on our school lunch program to analyze if the choices the students have are really choices. By that I mean are enough students choosing them to make them a viable alternative.

Here are some videos you can watch to learn what we are doing.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Peter Pan Project Update

Students are continuing to work on Deconstructing Peter Pan. So far we have read the original story by J.M. Barrie, Peter and Wendy, looked at the sculpture of Peter Pan Barrie placed in Kensington Garden in London, watched the silent film Peter Pan (1924) and the musical Peter Pan (2000) starring Cathy Rigby.

The students have been analyzing the plot, sequence and character development with each version as well as trying to identify how the storyteller in each version viewed Peter. We are discovering how the story, while named after Peter, is really about Wendy's journey from childhood to becoming an adult. Taken at face value, with little reflection it is easy to think that the story is an homage to the power of youth when it is really about how important it is to grow up.

Friday, January 04, 2013

Act Your Age, Not Your Shoe Size

12 1/2 or 43, I wonder which I act like?

Have you ever wondered about the expression, "Act your age, not your shoe size?" The first time I became aware of it was when I first heard Prince's song Kiss. As a teacher of 6th grade students I wonder if this axiom is true for my class.

Today I want you to work in groups to identify the mean, median, mode, and range for both your age and your shoe size. We will be able to finally identify if I really want you to act your age or act your shoe size!