
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Student Learning Manifesto

A manifesto is a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives,
or views of its issuer. I wrote my teaching manifesto last summer. In it I describe actions I will take to make my classroom a better learning environment and myself a better educator.

Now I want you to write a student learning manifesto. I want you to seriously consider three or four positive actions you can take to be a better student. You can model your manifesto after mine if you like or you can come up with your own format as long as it fits the definition.

Here is Kiley talking about her manifesto:


  1. First, I must be responsible. I must be able to be organized and handle tasks. I must be able to establish this quality.

    Second,I must be able to stay motivated to do my best. I always need to be mindful of the finish line and strive to do my best.

    Third, I must be able to study smart. This quality is crucial. Studying in a smart manner is vital in todays society. No procrastination!

  2. I feel that I should strive to not only meet the standards set by my instructors but also to work to do my best in all that I do. If I only work to do merely what will satisfy requirements, I will never fulfill my potential. I can strive to do all that I can and meet my own goals. I want to try my best to get all that I can from my education. I want to prepare myself the best I can for the future. Only by taking all that I can from my education and being able to take it with me as I go out in the world will I be able to be best prepared.

  3. I should first off meet my professors expectations along with my own. Just doing the work will never be enough. I must put my all into everything I do. Like Aaron has stated I must be responsible, organized, stay focused and motivated. The most important thing I could do is to NEVER procrastinate because the only thing that i will accomplish by procrastinating is setting myself up for failure.
