Thursday, September 02, 2010

Comments4Kids: Let's Leave a Few Comments

Not getting comments? Try leaving some for others!
Sharing Good News 5th grade students in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pick 2 posts to leave comments on.

Journeys 365 Project-June This blog post is by a retired librarian that still loves to educate. This post has pictures taken for the 365 Project that encourages people to take a picture a day for a whole year!

MSTA Blog How to Identify Cyberbullying in Your Classroom  MSTA is the Missouri State Teachers Association. They help classroom teachers with all sorts of issues. This post is on cyberbullying. Since we just learned some online safety information, leave a comment about what you would do if you were cyberbullied.

Springston Explorers Check Out the Photos From Room 8 Party These are year 1 (like our kindergarten) students in Canterbury, New Zealand. Leave a comment encouraging the students to have a great school year.

Mr. McClung's World Interior Design Talk-Jersey Wall Leave a comment telling Mr. McClung how you like his wall decorating idea. 

Rules for Comments4Kids
1) Relevant
2) Positive
3) Comment only when you have something to say.

4) Always use good conventions (capitalization, punctuation, etc.)


diane said...

I like these rules! It's fun to connect with other people online, but commenting needs to be done with the same politeness that would be used in a face to face conversation.

MrsWatson said...

Wow! Thank you so much for all the comments you made on our blog - Springston Explorers!
Getting comments is really exciting!
Keep checking out our blog. We love having visitors from around the world!

MrsWatson said...

Some of your comments on the Springston Explorers blog asked us what fairy bread is. Check out our post explaining what it is!

Mrs Watson
Springston Explorers

Aaron Griffin said...

I think these rules are very beneficial in context. They seem to be very relevant and useful. Good ideas and thoughts.

Anonymous said...

These rules are very useful and beneficial to everyone. It is a good idea to be respectful and mindful of others at all times.

Lindsey said...

I teach grade 5 in New Brunswick, Canada. We are just beginning a class blog and I'm encouraging students to comment on each other's posts. I like these rules and will use them in my classroom. Do you have any tips for increasing traffic? My hope is that students will get really excited to share their work with a global audience.

Logan said...

I really think the comment rules are very helpful for people who are wondering how to comment on what they need to. The rules give you spacifics on how to comment so you what be lost.

Anonymous said...

Rules for commenting are very important. I believe sometimes people become lazy when typing and it is an awful habit to have. Rules for commenting help make it easier to comment. Politeness is a must. When everyone follows the rules the full blogging experience can be gained.