
Monday, April 11, 2011

Bridge Building Game

A couple students caught me playing X Construct on my phone during lunch today and wanted to play themselves. I told them I would find a PC equivalent so they could try it out on their own. Here is one I found called Bridge Building Game. The purpose of the game is to construct a bridge that will allow the lemming like pink dinosaurs to cross safely across a chasm.

 Here are links to similar games:

Cargo Bridge


  1. Dear Mr.C,
    Hi this is Cady from I agree that the short time limit on the voki can be a downside to using this web 20 tool. I enjoyed looking at your blog.

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Hi Mr. C,

    Just stumbled upon your blog, I don't remember how. I like what I see so far! I thought your students might be interested in the game at this website:

    It's a simple game with a big impact.

    Ms. O

  3. Those are pretty good games. There is a site that has all those games and even some other ones all on one page. Some of the other games you don't have listed are sequels to ones you do have! Here is a link to the page of that site: Bridge Builder Games

  4. @Matt, thanks for the link. Many of my students really like the bridge building games.
