
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ice Storm

What did you do during the week we were out of school from the ice? Did you lose electricity? What things did you do differently because of the loss of electricity?


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I read the Limety Snikets books during the ice storm,I was runying and slyding on the pond,and I wached You,Me,an Duper.

  2. Anonymous11:18 AM

    During the ICE STORM I lost electricity and had to find a friend with heat!So i had to do somethings differently like I had to spend the night at a friend's of my mom. Luckly they had electric so I played on the computer

  3. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I did lose power and I had a friend over too. That made it better because I had someone to play with.

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    When I was out of School I played cards and checkers with my family.We went to buy a generator.

  5. Anonymous11:58 AM

    When we were out of school because of the ice that we had and had no electricity, I wached out the window and looked at the icey trees and the fallen branchesthar fell at night and in the moring. Inside my house it was cold smoke came out of your mouth. And Igot boredand I went out side and helped my dad cut some trees of but I just cut some branches of. And i went to the nighbers house and cooked there because she had gas and we did not have any gas.

  6. Anonymous12:02 PM

    During the ice storm I stayed the night with my uncle and stayed up till 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning.
    The next day I went to a motel stayed there for 3 days. While I was there I went swimming,did cannon balls,and relaxed in a hot tub and the rest of the time I watched t.v. I also spent the night with both of my grandma's at Stella's House I just played with my brother. At my Grandma Dixie's house Istayed up late and watched scary movies.

  7. Anonymous12:05 PM

    What I did durnung the 5 days my family and I didn't have power was listen to my CD player, read magzines, and wacth my DVD player, played checkers and Monopoly, and sleep. Two things were different becuase of the lost of uor power was it was cold in our house and I couldn't wacth telivision!

  8. Anonymous12:05 PM

    What I did during the ice storm was played my psp and wach t.v and read a little bet.

  9. Anonymous12:06 PM

    When we didint have electricity I hade to read bookes and play bord games. We had a genarator so we had heat.

  10. Anonymous12:16 PM

    What I did when the light went off I played my gameboy sp and lisen to my i pod and played cards with my parents.

  11. Anonymous9:10 AM

    What I learned during the ice storm is that it must of been hard to get along way back then.

  12. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Druing the ice storm and we didn't had school . I was playing
    my gameboy SP and I was listening my MP3 player and we were playing cards with my parents.

  13. Anonymous10:05 AM

    The first day the Ice Storm started,I went to my aunts house.It got to cold for me.My mom stayed home in the cold.The next day my aunt lost power to.So we all went to my house.We lit lots of candles and read,played board games,and clored.The next day our power came on!

  14. Anonymous8:32 AM

    what i did during the ice storm is i went sleding with my friends.

  15. Anonymous8:39 AM

    During the ice storm I went sleding
    with my family then I staed with my ant Mary uncle Roy a night.

  16. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Sat near a fire bundled up in blankets./Yes./not play vidio games. It was pretty cool losing electricity. Most fun in the dark that I had.
