
Friday, February 09, 2007

From Texas with Love

Crystal is visiting Texas the week of February 12. Check here to see her post what she is doing while she is away!


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    hello you guys, im missing you a lot. so if you can call me back i will appreceate it.

  2. Hey Crystal, I was wondering if you were going to post. I will have the kids post a message to you when they get back from math. Hope you are having a good time!

  3. Anonymous9:48 AM

    hey i got your message, can you tell the class to write me back?

  4. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Hi we just wanted to wih you a happy valentines day. We hope you are having a great time.

    Ashley & Shelby

  5. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Happy Late Valentines Day Crystal Hope you are having fun in Texas!

  6. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Hi Crystal it is Dale is Texas fun? I heard it was but I don't know. H you have fun.

  7. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Hope you had a nice Valentines day ok.

  8. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Hey crystal Having fun!
    Happy Late valentines day

    NOrberto & Kendra

  9. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Hey watcha doing? I miss you? How are you doing, is it cool? These guys and gals are driving me nuts with out you!!!!!!!!!


  10. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Hi! Crystal are you having fun we handed out cards and i gave you one with something cool on it. TEGAN.

  11. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Hey crystal,I wonder what you're
    doing? Are you playing sports?
    Are you having a great time down
    in the country of texas?

  12. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Hi, Crystal how are U? I hope U are having a good time! Happy Valentines Day! !BI!


  13. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Hey Crystal I miss you theres no fun when your not here and I hope you had a great valentines day and come back soon.

  14. Anonymous10:12 AM

    My man there waz up crystal I miss you a lot not really what are you doing o.k good bye and I hope you have a good time.

  15. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Hi crystal we have lots of snow and we have your V-day sack. You should of went to the game the girls lost and the boys won but I hope you come back for our next game on Tuesday we are playing Anderson. Mr. C was waiting for your comment BY- BY

  16. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Hi Crystal I hope you had a great Valentine's Day. When you get this send an other message to everybody!


  17. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Hi, we hope you had a happy Valentine's Day Do you have candy. PS: Send some candy and make another post to the blog.

  18. Anonymous10:15 AM

    hey crystal howes it gowing at
    texas.are you having fun what are
    you doing.

  19. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Hi, Crystal how was Texes Was it good viseding Texes. Was Valentinnes Day good with your mom ,dad and brothers too?

  20. Anonymous9:00 AM

    what ever you do makeure to HAVE FUN in the lonestar state

  21. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Crystal just wanted to let you know we lost our first b-ball game!! Well i hope u are here 4 the second game!! Well have fun at texas

  22. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Hi,Crystal we all hopr you are having fun.

  23. Anonymous12:27 PM

    On the way to Texas we got lost because I had to go to the restroom.Then my mom saw a store but she went the wrong way so we had to go all the way down again and we spent 20 min. going back to the store.On the way to Texas you pass througth Astian, Waco, Dallas, San Antonio. From San Antonio we were amost there then, we had to get on the free way and we pasted Edingburg,and then parr but that was in texas.

  24. When are you going to be back?

  25. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Then we went to my uncules house and we slept there because we got there at 5:00 a.m. in the morning we went to my aunts house. My aunt has 4 kids she berly had a baby his name is Hiram his like 6 months old.Then after that we went to my godmothers house but she wasn't there so we went to the store were my grandma works but she wasn't there so we wen to her house. My grandma had berly got there then my aunt Mira was there too but she left. Then we stayed there for a while and my grandma had two dogs one of the dogs name was Cupcake and the other dog was a boy but I don't know what his name is.Then my cousion Chantel went to the back and there were 7 puppys there they were Cupcakes puppies and my grandma said, that they were the other dogs puppies but they didn't look like the dad because the puppies were black.Then we went to my godmothers house and she was not there because she took my cousins to the park because Jhonny and Bianca or on the soccer team.Then when they came back my cousin Stepethnie said, that Pitbull was going to come to MACALLEN to a club named Fuego. Then we went back to my aunts house and we slept there again and the next day I went to Mexico and my cousins were there and then my aun t went for my and took me to her moms house then at nigth my uncle went for us and then we all sleped at my aunt house the next day we had left.

  26. Anonymous10:41 AM

    how was your trip?

  27. Anonymous9:07 AM

    was your trip awesome?
