
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Looking Ahead to Investigate 5

We experimented creating rivers with cups that had 1 and 3 holes respectively. Investigate 5 will return to the one hole cup. We will be trying to make the water go where we want it to go. What kinds of things can you think of to do that might make the water flow where you want it to go? Best post will win a prize!


  1. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I think if you make a path in would go where I want it to go.

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I think the things that can make the water go where I want to go pt some more rocks.

  3. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I think that adding more rocks,humus,clay and sand in pattern so that it goes on way or the other!!

  4. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I think we could put a little ditch to make the water go were we want it to go.

  5. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I think that if we put the hole in the dirction we want it it might go in that dirction.

  6. Anonymous9:45 AM

    If i wanted the water to go a
    certain way i would put the hole
    in yhe side of the cup or were ever i want the water yo go.
    And see if it works.

  7. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I think if we put a hole in the corner of the cup it might go in the corner of the box.

  8. Anonymous9:48 AM

    So you can make the water were you want it to go you can get some sand and stack it on top of each ohter and make like a wall. Then the water will go were you want it to go.

  9. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I could turn the cup in the direction I want it to go or I could build trenches in the model and the water will run into the treches making the water go in the direction you want it to go in.

  10. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I think we can put metal where we whant the water to go.

  11. Anonymous9:57 AM

    i think that if you put one hole in
    the right side of the cup and the water will go to the right the same on the left or you can make a treck in the ground and put humus
    in it so when you poure water in
    the water will go in the trech.

  12. Anonymous10:32 AM

    You could put side boards on the slope.

  13. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I think that we could use the scrapping tool to make lines in it like corn rows and the water will go from line to line.

  14. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I think if you tilt the tub one way it will go the way you want it to go.

  15. Anonymous10:50 AM

    We could form the slope a certain way so that the water would go were we want it to.we could make the sides we don' want the water to go thought.

  16. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Maybe, you can dig a canal and make the water go the way you want it to.

  17. Anonymous8:48 AM

    i think that if you put 1 hole on the bottom it will probably go where you want it to go or you could put 3 holes in a row going up and it will go where you want it to go

  18. Anonymous8:49 AM

    it will only make one river but if it had three holes then it would make three rivers.

  19. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Limpiar todo lo que aiga como basura,comida,emvases y bolsas de plastico.

  20. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I think that if you add more soil it might go were you want it to go.

  21. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I can make lines on the dirt so it can make a river.

  22. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I think that if we build four or five mounds we can make the water go where we want it to go.

  23. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I would make a hole on the dirt

  24. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I think I will try to move the cup so I can get the water where I want it to go.

  25. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I think that if we put two holes on bottom it will go where we want it to go

  26. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I will try to make the water go where I want it to go by makeing a little dugout so the water will go right down the little dugout.

  27. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I think if I pour a little more water into the cup it might go were I want it to.

  28. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I think that if we made little trenches for the water to run in. We could make a sort of hill on each side so the water will run off down the middle of the model.We could make a sort of ramp under the cup with trenches in the ramp all the way to the bottom.

  29. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I think in Investigate 5 we should put 3 holes on the side like Investigate 4 and 1 hole on the bottom like Investigate 3.

  30. Anonymous9:39 AM

    The way I'm going to make the water go where I want it to go is by taking the cup holding it above the land and pore it at the spot I want it at.

  31. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I think i Inv. 5 we should put three cus ,one at the top and th other two on the sides and each opne hae only one hole so that when the water runs it will go different ways and we can see if all the streams will flow in a mess or will they go in three different paths.

  32. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I think if i dig up a little road then i put more water it might go where i wanted to go.

  33. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Next time we do the expierment we could try to put trenches in the soil so the water will run off down the trenches to the bottom.We could try to put little bumps around the sides of the model to keep the water running down the middle.

  34. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Ininv.3 we used 1 hole and in inv.4 we used 2 more holes they both were very different because so if we used 1, then 2 more i suspect that in inv.5 we will use i don't mayby 5.

  35. Anonymous10:00 AM

    In inv.5i thank it is going to be a bigger river and more water.

  36. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I think the water will make it's owen path through the middle creating a type of stream.

  37. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I thank I will move the cup to the direction I want the water to go.

  38. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I think if you wont it to go were you wont it to go you should dig diches

  39. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I think if I pour more water of a cup I think will be better.

  40. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I think if I made a path with a shovel the water will go where I want to go.

  41. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I think I can make the river wee I want it to go by cutting a straw in half and then put half of the straw in the hole and then put the water and maybe the water will go in the straw.

  42. Anonymous10:54 AM

    put a lines in the dort. with your finger and pour the water.

  43. Anonymous10:55 AM

    what i think is if the river fiows
