
Monday, January 28, 2008

Mr. President

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  1. The difference between dry soil runoff is that there is more humus,clay,soil, and sand.On wet soil the soil was wet and there was more erosion on sand and clay.

  2. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Yes i thing there are a different between wet soil and dry soil.I thing that the wet soil is heaver then the dry soil.

  3. Anonymous8:59 AM

    We saw that there's more erosion when the water is wet.There was less clay,soil,and rock's then in Investigate 3.but there was more humus on Investigate 2.

  4. Anonymous8:59 AM

    There was more wet soil then the erosion.

  5. Anonymous8:59 AM

    The water makes a runoff when it is wet.When the dirt is dry the water turns into groundwater.The soil is a runoff when you add water to it.

  6. Anonymous9:00 AM

    When we did the mixture ther was more stuff in the second mixture because ther was more stuff in the second one.

  7. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Dry and wet soil are different when it comes to runoff.Wet soil will change to sticky mud and get really messy.Dry soil doesn't runoff like that.

  8. Yes, there is a difference because when soil is wet it runs off more because the soil has nothing to hang on to.

  9. Anonymous9:00 AM

    The differents between dry and wet is that wet is that sick down the ground and runoff into the rivers,lakes,pounds,and steams roll into the seas,oeacns.Now about dry ground is that it doesn,t runoff into the rivers.

  10. Anonymous9:00 AM

    There were more humus and clay and the first.

  11. Anonymous9:00 AM

    The dry soil is so dry, and the wet soil is all soggy and wet.

  12. Anonymous9:01 AM

    The differans beteen a dry runoff is that the water will not runoff that easy.But the wet runoff will runoff in a wet place.

  13. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Yes, there was a difference in the erosion of dry soil and wet soil. In the dry soil, more humus was in the runoff water, but in the wet soil, there is a lot more clay and sand in the runoff water. There was less humus in the runoff from the wet soil is there was less room for groundwater in the wet soil.

  14. Anonymous9:10 AM

    There is more stuff in the wet soil then there was in the dry soil.

  15. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Their was more erosion in invstegaste
    2.In investigate 3 their was not alot of erosion.

  16. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Yes,there was a difference between dry soil and the wet soil.The dry soil had less segments in it.The wet soil had a lot more segments in it.

  17. Anonymous9:11 AM

    In the first experiment, the cylinder had more humus. In the second experiment, the cylinder had more clay and sand together, and had much more materials than the first experiment. So, more erosion happened when the land was wet, then when the land was dry.

  18. Anonymous9:12 AM

    There was more setement in investigate 3 because it was wet and it made the water muddy and dirty. In the river setement runs into bigger streams or lakes.

  19. Anonymous9:12 AM

    The 2nd experiment had more segment in
    it it had rock partials, humus, sand,
    and clay. It had more segment in it then in Inv.1.

  20. Anonymous9:15 AM

    yo aprerndi que el agua se disuelbe y ba quedando las puras piedras y tanbien aprendi quela tierra absorbe el agua asta yevarse toda la tierra asta linpiar las piedras es to lo que les puedo comentar adios.

  21. Anonymous9:15 AM

    The dry soil had more stuff in it Because with the water it dissolves the soil,and the clay.

  22. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I think that erosion happens when the water is wet.

  23. Anonymous9:51 AM

    The difference is that the dry soil was loose fitted and the wet soil was clamped together tight.

  24. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I saw more erosion in the wet soil because alot of water was
    running down the wet soil.

  25. Anonymous9:54 AM

    THE deference is the wet soil makes the plants grow and the dry soil doesn't make the plants grow.

  26. Anonymous9:54 AM

    The different between soil and runoff is that the Ocean because the road is wet and the water keep on moving over and over that why is the different between soil and runoff.

  27. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I think more erosion happens when soil is not wet and more runoff happens when soil is wet. When we pored water on the dry soil the clay and other materials got stuck together so when we pored more water
    the next day there was less erosion.

  28. Anonymous9:57 AM

    The difference between dry soil and wet soil is:The wet soil had more erosion and the dry soil had more runoff.

  29. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I saw more erosion in the first experiment because at first the soil was dry ,but when we poured water on the soil it started to get wet so after a little bit the water started to run off.So thats how I saw more erosion in the first experiment.

  30. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Erosion happens when the soil is wet

  31. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I thak the wend is doing it.It is all .

  32. Anonymous10:06 AM

    The wet soil eroded because when the dry soil got wet it kind of eroded. When the wet soil got wet it eroded a whole lot just because it was wet to begin with. Thats why the soil eroded so much.

  33. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I seen more erosion almost about to start and more clay and dirt and nasty dirty rooks.

  34. Anonymous10:09 AM

    The cylinder that had the most
    erosion in our group was cylinder #2.
    In the cylinder we had a whole lot more clay and sand because those materials where a lot heaver than the humus,so the sand and clay came out later.

  35. Anonymous10:09 AM

    on the runoff the difference between dry soil and wet soil is that wet soil can soak up the things that grow under ground and dry soil can grab things that are above the ground.

  36. Anonymous10:10 AM

    YES,because dry can't break the rock but water can

  37. Anonymous10:11 AM

    The first experiment didnt have as much erotion than the second experiment. the first experiment had less water. The dirt was disolving.the second one was wetier
    than the first one.

  38. Anonymous10:12 AM

    The wet surface had more runoff then the dry surface because it still had water from the first expirment .

  39. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Yes there is a differentce because dry soil doesn't have much runnoff however wet soil has lots of runnoff.

  40. Anonymous10:50 PM

