
Monday, January 19, 2009

Martin Luther King Jr. "I Have a Dream"

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Since this is the day before the inauguration of the first African-American President, how has the country changes since this speech was given 45 years ago?

Here is Samantha's take:


  1. Anonymous12:56 PM

    The country has changed because white people and black people get along.Black people and white people share fountains,use the same bathrooms,and black people don't have to sit at the back of a bus.

  2. Anonymous12:56 PM

    It has changed allot. we are one day from having a black president. the world has decided to have a black president.

  3. Anonymous12:58 PM

    i think his dream changed the economy because if he didn't make the speech than Obama would not be president right now.

  4. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I think that it has changed a lot since the "I Have A Dream" speech and now there is going to be a black president.

  5. Anonymous1:01 PM

    The country has changed because the black and white people sit where ever they want on the bus.They also share the same bathrooms and the same water fountains.

  6. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Ever since Martin Luther King Jr. did his speech the world has changed.He wanted white people and black people to be together.He wanted that we could eat at the same place,play together,and many other things for white and black people to do together.Ever since then a lot has changed.

  7. Anonymous1:03 PM

    The country has by letting blacks eat at the same place. Let them any where
    they want in the bus. And let them chose presented. And let them have a black presented.

  8. Anonymous1:03 PM

    The country has changed allot because of Martin Luther King,JR's speech. his speech allowed us to have a black president .

  9. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I think the country has changed by African American and white people are now can be together like they can eat in the same restaurants and use the same bathrooms and water fountains. They can ride the same bus now with out black in the back and white in the front.

  10. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Things have changed because black kids can play with white kids now.Blacks and whites can go into the same restaurant and drink out of the same water fountain.

  11. Anonymous1:05 PM

    When Rev.Martin Luther King,Jr.gave his"I Have a Dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial he said that he wanted his four children to have friends that were white and that they wouldn't live in hate,racism,and in violence.This country has changed a lot because Barack Obama will become president and not only African-Americans voted for him. I think the United States Will live in freedom with Barack Obama as our president.

  12. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I think Martin Luther king jr speech i have a dream changed America to let all races in America because they got treated badly they could not eat ,drink or even ride in the same spot as other whites but one person changed the united States of America and that is Martin Luther King jr.

  13. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I think it has changed a lot sins the black and white kids have played together and we have a black president.

  14. Anonymous1:12 PM

    It has changed cause there is black ,
    white kids together. And there is
    a black presented starting tomorrow.

  15. Anonymous1:12 PM

    It change by the country being free from stuff like the restaurants and the stores
    they are not separate from black people to white people.

  16. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I think the country has changed because we don't have slaves now
    and everybody is free , nobody is treated more than the others . A black person can do anything a white person can do.But I still think it is not fair because there are many people in poverty today in America

  17. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Ever since Martin Luther King Jr. did his speech a lot has change. He wanted black and white people to things together. Now black and white people can go to school together,drink out of the same water fountains,play together, and some many other things.Now white and black people can do many things together.

  18. Anonymous1:20 PM

    i think that the city different because.I can help the people and . the people gave there family live. spot the the people because thver saeds

  19. Anonymous1:20 PM

    The world has changed since Martin Luther King.Jr spoked his famous speech "I have a dream".Now white people and black people play together and drink the same water fountain and tomorrow we have Barack Obama's as our President.Martin Luther King Jr will be happy that we are together.

  20. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Once Martin Luther King said the "I Have A Dream" speech, 45 years later,lots of things happened they could do things together .And now for the first time in history president elect Obama is now going into office, and he owes great things to Martin Luther King Jr. for the opportunity.

  21. Anonymous1:59 PM

    The country has changed a lot since 45 years ago because, Little white children and little black children could not play together. White and black men and women could not eat together use the same restroom or water fountain. They could not ride in the same part of the bus. Children could not go to school together or ride in the same car. Black men and women were treated unfair on the bus, they should be able to ride on the same bus because they are the same except by their skin. Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech helped many people, we probably would not have black friends or partners or anything. Our country would not have as much money because some of the African-American might of moved back because they could not stand being treated so unfair. He helped so much!

  22. Anonymous2:00 PM

    45 years ago white and black people couldn't go to the same school, they couldn't drink from the same water fountain, and they could go to the same restroom but now we can. 45 years ago the black people had to sit on the back of the bus and white could sit anywhere in the bus. Now black people can sit anywhere they want in the bus. That is what changed in 45 years.

  23. Anonymous2:01 PM

    It has change since the speech 45 years ago because black and whites didn't have the same bathroom and water fountains.And the blacks had to sit on the back of the of the bus.

  24. Anonymous2:02 PM

    The country has changed a lot since Martin Luther King Jr has died!!!Now we have a black president named Barrack Obama...

  25. Anonymous2:06 PM

    The world has changed since Martin Luther King Jr. said in his speech that black kids and white kids would be treated the same as the white kids.

  26. Anonymous2:06 PM

    The country has change because black
    and white people shared almost every
    thing,like parks,buses and fountains.

  27. The world has changed since Martin Luther King Jr. spoke his famous speech "I Have a dream".In his speech he said that he wanted white kids and black kids to be together and play together.I hope his dream comes true.I hope Obama
    makes his dream come true.

  28. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Our world has changed a lot since the
    "I have a dream" speech.We do NOT have segregated things like water fountains,bathrooms,and schools.We had a black man named obama running for president and actually get elected president elect and tomorrow going in to oval office.He has made history.He is the first African - American president elect.We have NO bus rules like Rosa parks did.We have never had a person to get arrested as much as Martin Luther King jr.

  29. Anonymous2:08 PM

    At first everyone was against each other just because the color of their skin. Now it has changed because people started standing up for them selves.That is how are country is today .President Obama will be our first black president like Martin luther king jr. was the first to make a difference in our nation today.

  30. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I think that the white people and the black people should share the same bathroom and the same restaurant and if Martin Luther King Jr. hadn't made the speech Obama wouldn't even be president right now.

  31. Anonymous2:11 PM

    It took a man like Martin Luther King Jr. to stand up for what he believed in.He got arrested many times.Baroque Obama is very brave to run for president.The government is different because black kids and white kids can play with each other.

  32. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I think it has changed a lot since the speech 45 years ago they couldn't eat together and they couldn't choose where to sit on the bus and if a white man wanted there seat they would have to move.

  33. Anonymous2:16 PM

    The country has changed beacuse white and black can get along.
    We can shear things like water fountains ,bathrooms, we can play together.Tomorrow we will have our first African American president Barrak Obma.

  34. Anonymous2:17 PM

    A lot has changed since the blacks and whites where divided.Now blacks and whites are allowed to ride the bus together,and play together now.And starting tomorrow Barrack Obama will be our president.

  35. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Long ago black and white people could not share anything.Black children and adults could not play or talk to white children or adults.Today white children and adults can play or talk with black children and adults.The thing that made this happen was the speech that Martin Luther King Jr. wrote.When black people could not talk with white people the could not share anything I mean nothing then after Martin Luther King JR. died they changed the law that said white people could share.Today the law is still the same and I think it will stay the same.

    Thank You Martin Luther King Jr.

  36. Anonymous2:19 PM

    It changed because other people changed more it become better world for them and Martin .

  37. Anonymous2:21 PM

    the world has change since martin Luther king Jr. spoke his famous speech "I Have a dream".

  38. Anonymous2:51 PM

    it have chang a hoel lot since he said i had a dram it chang lot now black peple

  39. Anonymous2:52 PM

    The country has changed a lot because black people get along with white people now.If it wasn't for Martin Luther King Jr. Obama wouldn't be our new president.Thanks to Martin Luther King Jr. it doesn't matter what the color of your skin is we all can live together.

  40. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I think his dream made alot in change because if the economy did not hear this speech Brack Obama wouldn't be the president right now. Black people would still be sitting in the back of the bus we wouldn't get along,use the same bathrooms or fountains it would be horrible .

  41. Anonymous2:53 PM

    The world has changed so much since Martin Luther King.Now we can all sit together ,ride together.Obama wouldn't become president tomorrow if Martin Luther King Jr. didn't give his I Have a Dream speech . .

  42. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Ever since Martin Luther King Jr. things changed.Like black kids can be together with a white kid.You can use the same water fountain,you can go to the same school,black people can go to restraunt to just like white people.know we can be friends.

  43. Things have changed because black kids can play with white kids and black and white people can eat at the same restraunt and lunch room.When black people are on bus they don't have to worry about white people saying to move.

  44. So much has changed since Martin Luther King Jr."I have a Dream"speech
    .Some small fries are blacks and whites are able to play together,sit together.But something major is Brock Obama African American is becoming are president!!!!I can't imagine how proud Martin Luther King Jr. is!Can you?

  45. I think his dream changed the economy because Martin Luther King Jr did not believe in violence. If Martin Luther King Jr wouldn't have gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech than Obama wouldn't be the president right now or we would not ever have a black president if he didn't give his speech.We are lucky Martin Luther King Jr gave his speech.

  46. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I think that it was unfair because pay tax when they wanted to vote for president.After martin Luther King jr made his famous speech things started to change now there black and white people that sit together together on buses and there is a black president starting tomorrow.


  47. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Life was hard , they could not go to restraunt. They did not get to play with the whites. They can not talk to the whites . They had to set in the bake.

  48. Anonymous3:14 PM

    It has changed a lot since Martin Luther King Jr.'s time, back then blacks and whites were separated today we aren`t.

  49. Anonymous3:16 PM

    The country has changed like now you can see blacks and whites together , walking on the streets and even best friends ,but back then the blacks and whites couldn't talk , play ,they couldn't even be seen with each other .( HE HAD A DREAM AND IT CAME TRUE )

  50. When Martin Luther King Jr die all the things changes.The black people they were aloud to do some things that they couldn't do before.They do not have to be arrested for sit in front of the bus.Now the black people could live right here.
