
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Students Modeling Daily Oral Language

Here is Megan putting in editing marks for our DOL. I have modeled how to do this for a semester and now I am allowing my students to do it. I have two reason, one is to see if that student understands how to do the work and the other is so that the students can learn from someone other than myself.


  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Mister C. Could you explain a little about the resources that you have in your class? I don't see a interactive whiteboard and assumed that you must have one, or is it just out of shot? I'm having to play the material in an internet cafe and somethings not working...
    Regards, Mr Webb. Melville Intermediate, New Zealand.

  2. @NZWaikato I don't have an interactive board in my current classroom. My old classroom had been turned into a grade level lab. In effect I now have two classrooms across the hall from each other. In the lab we have 12 student computers and one teacher computer. In my classroom I have one student computer and one teacher computer. I also have a camera that takes video, and two webcams.

    We will soon be putting up wireless routers throughout the school and then I will be able to stream basketball games and assemblies. I think my next purchase will be a snowball microphone

  3. I looked at your blog for an assignment in my EDM310 course at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Al. I am supposed to view blogs used in classrooms in the United States then write about their use. I am IMMENSELY impressed with this blog. I am, at 21 and in college, just learning to operate a blog like this. The depth that this blog is taken to excites me and I can't wait until I become a teacher and can implement the ideas I have "stolen" from you. The student work and involvement is inspiring to say the least. Thank you.
