
Monday, February 09, 2009

Elk River Watershed Association Live Stream.

Today we are joined by Roger and Sandy Hughes from the Elk River Watershed Improvement Association. (ERWIA). Roger and Sandy have graciously allowed me to stream and record their presentation to the class.

If you would like to ask questions I have set up the chat at

Here is a link to last years post on the ERWIA visit. Click the picture below to go to an interactive map of the Elk River Watershed.


The Elk River Watershed Improvement Association visited our class today. The showed us the video "After the Storm" produced by the EPA and the Weather Channel. If you would like to order a free copy of this video click here. You can download a version on your computer click here. You can find information from the video here.

The EPA has a kids site found here you may want to check out.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:52 PM

    thanks for the comment on my swimming video
