
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

What Not to Do: Death by PowerPoint

Here is a slideshare presentation we will use in class to help my students understand how and why they should make good design choices when using any presentation software.


  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Our class uses somputers a lot and PPT's are critical. My dad taught me everything you need to know on PPT's so mine turn out OK... My dad is like an all time master.

  2. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Is it relly 58F over were you guys are at the moment its probly only about 18F here in New Zealand. Im in a computer class in Melville Intermediate its pretty fun you can do almost everything on the computer.
    Sadera Melville Intermediate School
    Hamilton, New Zealand.

  3. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Is that true or is that a joke. It's a good slide show. I thing so to DEATH TO POWERPOINT! Victor
    room 2 Melville Intermediate School
    Hamilton,New Zealand

  4. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Is it true or is it joke??? I mean I think powerpoints are alright but they're not that bad. I like it enough so DEATH TO POWERPOINT.
    Room 12
    Melville Intermediate School
    Hamilton.New Zealand

  5. @Melville students Thanks for the comment. My students are going to make a powerpoint presentation. This slideshow is supposed to help tell them what not to do. Do you think it will help?
    Mr. C

  6. Funny you should post this. This presentation came up in conversation recently in my school (of course AFTER my fourth graders had done their first...and complicated powerpoints). Next year I will encorporate more of the suggestions noted. There is a also a very funny monologue on YouTube about powerpoint presentations that made me laugh. My kids did voiceovers on their powerpoints and authorstream can help you embed into your blog keeping the audio (the transitions got lost though). It took me FOREVER to find a site that could do it. I have several student powerpoints embeded on our class blog.

    Mrs. Heaton
    Mossy Oaks Elementary School
    Beaufort, SC

  7. PPT has it purpose....but that purpose is often missed. I think the slide that said something to the extent of "simple is better", head it right on the head. I HATE being in a class when someone publishes a book on PPT. Like the other day I was sitting in a grad class and we were viewing pages and paragraphs of constructivist theory on I the only person that doesn't understand this? In my opinion I am in favor of PPT, but it is more of a simple visual ad and not meant to be a text book on the wall. I think the point you are making is a good one.

    Sorry I those your forum to rant...

    Mr. McClung

  8. @ Mrs. Heaton Your students did much more with your powerpoints than I am having mine do. BTW your blog is amazing for only being around since October.

    @Jkmcclung Presentation visuals should point back to the presenter. If you can do what you want with a movie or photostory, then it isn't a presentation. If you want them to read your info, write an article. People need to pick the right tool for the job.

  9. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Wow what a cool and groovy powerpoint you guys have made. It has lots of Hummer and some facts about those horrible powerpoints that are made.
