
Monday, April 20, 2009

Let's Do Some Commenting!

Today we are going to go commenting to some classroom blogs! You and your partner will need to leave a comment on each of the blogs listed below. Remember, do not use your last name. Please link back to this blog when they ask for a url.

Make sure your comments are positive and relevant (they should have something to do with what is posted). Discuss with your partner what to write before you start to write. Please remember these students and teachers are important and deserve your best!

Geography 6: from Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Little Voices, Little Scholars: from Auckland, New Zealand

Live and Learn: from Missouri

My Web World: from New Zealand

The Official Blog of the Daraja Academy: from Kenya, Africa Watch Welcome to Daraja video before commenting on the blog.

Room 11 Bloghetty Blog: From Hamilton, New Zealand.


  1. Ms. Pohanka1:49 PM

    We love all of your comments! Expect some responses back tomorrow!

    Ms. P

  2. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I am a student at Fredericksburg Academy and I am really excited about ou calaboration! I love your class blog and Thanks for commenting on all of our videos. I go by the name of EPFA15. Once again, I am very excited about are schools working on the computer together,

  3. I love how you commented on out blog. I think your blog is pretty cool too; I loved how you stream your class live every day. Maybe we should do that too...

  4. nzfa151:11 PM

    You must be the king of bloging becauce you have a bizillion visits

  5. To Mr. C's class.
    Thankyou for leving me 11 comments I was so siprised when my mum told me that I hade 11 commens and that I extrenmely liked reading them from Piers

  6. It's a wonderful idea and you've hit the nail so to speak on an important issue, commenting encourages students and its as important as teachers marking a book!

  7. Hi this Erin fron Mir Hakes class and i thinks it is cool that sindis comment on your blog. sindi is a great friend!!!!!!

  8. This experiment was fun cool. Mr.C's class blog rules
