
Friday, May 01, 2009

Friday is Comment Day

It is time to comment on other students' blogs. Remember to make your comments positive and relevant.

The first blog we are going to comment on is Mrs. Owens' Noel School Library Blog. Pick a post and leave a comment. We want to encourage more teachers here to blog!
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The second blog we are going to comment on is Mrs. Heaton's Class in South Carolina.
Click the first link and read the explanation of The Best Part of Me Assignment and then leave one comment for each link.
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Page 3 Comment only on The Best Part of Me Posts

The third blog we are going to comment on is the Eagles' Nest Radio and Class Blog. Listen to the podcast and then leave a comment. With luck we will be creating audio this good next year.
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The fourth blog is the Fairview Physical Education blog. This is the only physical education blog I have ever seen. Mr. Berenger has asked for us to leave a comment.
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If you finish with these posts early, leave Devon a comment on his story in the post below. I am sure he would like to have your comments.


  1. Hi,
    Is it a rule to write comments on Friday?
    How much time do students work at the computer every day at school? How often do you write in blogs?
    Mrs. Tarasevich

  2. Mrs. Tarasevich, There are no rules about when to blog or write comments. We didn't get to comment today because we had some unexpected weather and a couple assemblies.

    Usually my students spend five or six hours a week on the computers and spend an hour or two posting and commenting.

  3. I would love if you could have your students comment on my blog.

    Mr. Beringer

  4. Well, I followed the comment guidelines for today, now I am wiped out. Yikes, there were alot to read and comment on!

  5. Thank you so much for including our blog (Mrs. Heaton's class) on your Friday blog assignment. I know the students will be pleased to get comments on their "Best Part of Me" assignment. I like the idea of having a blog comment day and providing links to the sites you want students to blog to. I will have to do something like that. We are prepping for our end of year testing (May 12-15) so it will probably happen after that.

    Mrs. Heaton
    Mossy Oaks Elementary School
    Beaufort, SC

  6. Niki - Thanks for your comments too on our Best Part of Me assignment.

    Mrs. Heaton

  7. I really like the idea of making an assignment out of commenting on other Blogs. I'm going to use the idea immediately!!!

    Feel free to include our G4 Blog in your plans. We are at an international school in Northern China so it could be interesting!

    Sam Sherratt

  8. Thank you so much for checking out the library blog and for leaving comments. The library blog is for ALL OF YOU and I encourage you all to visit it often. I have replied to many of the comments that were left this morning--so check those out! There's also a poll on the blog where you can vote for your favorite reading genre--don't forget to do that! Thanks again!!

  9. @Sam Sharrat I tried to leave a comment on your blog, but only team members are allowed to comment. :(

  10. you Mr. C's class for all the wonderfully worded and thoughtful comments you left on our class blog. My students were thrilled to get such feedback from children in another state. It just shows how writing can touch the lives of people you don't even know.

    Mrs. Heaton
    Mossy Oaks Elementary School
    Beaufort, SC

  11. Hi Mr. C and Class,

    I have changed the settings on our Blog and we're excited about having a new audience!


    Mr. Sherratt and Class

  12. This is a great idea as it gets children thinking about different posts on blogs and is a great way also to see what other classes are doing and borrow ideas.

    great work hope to see you commenting on our blog soon!

  13. Hey Mr C,
    I think having a Comment Friday is a good idea because if you get your students to comment on other blogs you are more likely to have people come back to your class blog.
    Saro Morrinsville Intermediate,

  14. bonnie(rm10mis4:49 PM

    Well friday is comment day that would be fun to do I wish my class could do that but we do it when ever and on fridy morings we chooses what we want to do.

  15. joshua5:04 PM

    This is a great idea to comment on Fridays it will help you and your students to know what is happening around the world. It will also be fun and enjoyable for your student's and a change. Great idea.
    Joshua rm10 mis nz

  16. nicole1234:33 PM

    I think that Friday is a great day for commenting because usally everyones tired from the last 4 days of school, so it would get their attention and they would be exited about it.

  17. This sounds really cool so everyone in the class gets to comment! Is it a rule to comment on Fridays? How often do you send a new post?
