
Sunday, May 03, 2009

The Mystery of Saint Matthews Island

I've alluded to this story this year during our watching of the Digging for the Truth episode on Easter Island. This story is also about sustainability and how we need to learn from others examples.

We are going to use this story to launch The Biome Project 2009. This will be our extension for reading this week, but I expect it will take longer to complete than the usual extensions. Therefor, I am going to shorten this weeks assignment list so we have more time to finish. I expect we should be finished by next Tuesday including recording. We won't start doing anything on it until Thursday so we can focus on our story.

Here is the link to our Google doc instructions for this weeks reading.

Here is the link to the instructions for The Biome Project 2009.


  1. Wow! I will definitely be taking notes from your blog. I like the interactivity of the various Web 2.0 tools used. How do you manage the class shared blog? Do students each take turns entering their post? So much to read, I will get back to you.

  2. jake from Mrs.Hakes class1:47 PM

    I saw you on your U/stream. I was wondering what movie are you watching? I was wanting to ask you to tell your class to wave. thanks!!

  3. hi it jamie from melvilleroom8 thank you for the wondfull commint I thank we shood hock the classeup to share notes about our rivers.
