
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dear Kaia: Voicethread and Video

Yesterday during our weekly #Comments4Kids commenting time we had an unusual experience (although I think things like this will become less unusual). While commenting on Kaia's blog our activity was noticed by her father, Jabiz Raisdana. He contacted me and we decided to have him Skype in and talk to my class. Jabiz suggested we make a video or audio for Kaia since she can't read yet. I decided to surprise them with a Voicethread.

After creating the Voicethread I then used the export feature to create a video file that I uploaded to our Youtube channel. The export cost $2.99 and the video was created in a larger Quicktime file and a smaller .mp4 file. The process was quick and easy and I think the quality speaks for itself. Since we created this as a "digital book" I blocked adding comments, but you can add your comments below or on Kaia's blog.


  1. Readers of this blog post: I hope you grasp the enormity and magnificence of what is happening. here. You are witnessing the emergence of the new learning paradigm which will, I believe, be what either replaces schools as we know them today, or what will allow them to survive.

    I continue to be amazed at how the world is being changed by a teacher in a small school in rural Missouri, with help from a lot of friends, most of which he has never seen. Be thankful that you have encountered him, his students, and his friends.

    And get and stay involved! It will be the most rewarding thing that has happened to you in a long, long time. At least that is the case with me!

    Thanks, Mr. Chamberlain. Thanks Mr. Chamberlain's Class. Thanks Kala and her Dad!

  2. Great job! Thank you for taking learning into the 21st Century. This is the future.

  3. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Mr. Chamberlain- Thank you for sharing your learning links with me. The voice recording furthers the personal connection and adds a quality learning opportunity for the students.

    Interactive learning is amazing, and I can't think of a better way to engage students!

    Thanks again,
    May L.

  4. Mr. C, adding the voice thread was a great idea. I'm glad I got to see it. Thanks, John Harville, Dr. Stranges' edm310 class.

  5. Mr. C, adding voice to the video was such a personal touch. I bet it really pleased Kaia and her dad. I'm glad I got to see it. Thank you, John Harville, Dr. Stranges' edm310 class.

  6. Hello my name is Jessica D. from Dr.Strange EDM310 class. I'm first amazed at the beautiful pictures of her. I do believe that this type of communication was astonishing and spontaneous of how it started with her father responding so quickly. The voicethread was something that was creative and very thoughtful. With this technology, great will arrive in the future

  7. Mr. C and Class, Wow, this is amazing. I graduated in the 90's and am encouraged to see what students of today are doing and can do! I enjoyed the a lot and look forward to the oppurtunity when one day I too perhaps can take my own class on this journey!

  8. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Hey Mr.Chamberlain,
    I think Kaia is so beautiful and has an amazing talent.Thank you for the pictures and the voice-thread ,it was very enlightening and unique way of letting Kaia know were enjoying her blog and talent.Thank you so much Mr.Chamberlain.

  9. Wow, this was really cool! I am amazed at how well it worked. Thank you for being a pioneer Mr. Chamberlain, Mr. Chamberlain's class, Kala and her dad!
    Dillon Rogers EDM310 University of South Alabama

  10. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Mr. C, This is fabulous! And how cute is Kaia??! I am so impressed with your passion and commitment to teaching new media skills to your students. They will be ready to meet the world and have all the necessary tools to make their mark thanks to you. I am excited for them.
    Ginger Parnell
    EDM310 Fall 2009
    Dr. Strange

  11. Your class did a good job for Kaia. I imagine it is really encouraging to her that you guys made the voicethread and video for her. Keep up the good work.

  12. Awesome idea. Yes, it really doesn't make sense to leave written comments for kids who aren't able to read yet. We've got talking/singing birthday cards, why not have a video/voicethread comment to a blog post?

  13. Whoops. In my previous comment, I meant to include that I, too, am in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 TT2 Class at the University of South Alabama. Keep up the good work, and keep on making it available to others as something from which can we learn!

  14. This is really neat! I am also taking another course in my education field and we have been learning about accomodations for different students! This is just another way to incorporate new things in the classroom! And I'm sure it was encouraging to her as well to have people on her side! Awesome work, great idea!!!

  15. Whoa! What a way to connect to people all over! This is truly inspiring. Thank you all for being so progressive in education!

  16. I think it amazing you were able to show your students how to use this new technology. I also think it is so neat that you had your students tell Kaia over this technology what your class did. It amazes me even more that you put it on youtube for the whole world to know how your class is using technology to advance their learning.

  17. Hello, I'm a student in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class. I think that it is so cool how education is advancing. I look forward to having my students blog and use technology to connect with the world around them.

  18. I'm a student in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class. I think it is so exciting to see students from around the world connecting through the internet. I look forward to helping my students use technology to built a network of learning around the world.

  19. Hey! I am currently in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. I am SO amazed by this voicethread! I had no idea that this was even possible. This is an amazing step into the future...great job!

  20. I am also a student in Dr. Strange's class. Thank you for sharing these links with us. Also, thank you for sharing Kaia's story. This is very inspiring and amazing. I know Kaia's father really appreciated what you did for her. Thank you!

  21. I'm also a student in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class. I think it is wonderful that you would create this video and voicethread for Kaia. I'm amazed at how far technology has come in the past few years. It can be such a wonderful thing!

  22. Hey!

    I, like many that have left comments before me, am also a student in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. Thank you for sharing the links with me. The idea of including a voice recording makes the comments more personal. It's an even more fun way to stay connected, too!

    Jessica Eaton

  23. Hey! Yet another one of Dr. Strange's students posting a comment. I think it was really thoughtful what you guys did for Kaia. I bet she really enjoyed it, and hopefully since she got such a great response she will continue to do things like this.

  24. Mr. C and class,
    I am from Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class. Thank you so much for sharing this Voicethread with not only Kaia, but also with all of us! You all did an amazing job! I am trying to create my own Voicethread and so far I am not having any luck with it. Keep Up the great work!

  25. Hi, I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. I think it is great that you and your class are communicating with people all over the world. I, myself, have greatly enjoyed viewing kids' and teachers' blogs. I think the voice thread was an excellent idea because it definitely makes the comments more personal. I am sure Kaia loved it.

  26. What an awesome idea to leave a voicethread for Khaia! I wouldn't have guessed that someone who couldn't read yet would have a blog, but that's what I love about this ever changing, forward move of technology!

  27. Hey Mr. C and class
    I'm a student in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class. I really enjoyed seeing this video. It was very thoughtful for you guys to make that voicethread for Kaia. I really do believe we are seeing the use of technology for good causes grow everyday.

  28. Hello! I am a student of Dr. Strange. Your class is so lucky to be able to talk to someone thousands of miles away. It must have been exciting for you guys. I hope you keep up with your work in technology. You guys are doing great!

    Kathleen Cosgrove
    Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class
    University of South Alabama

  29. What a great idea! I am in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class and learning different ways of interacting. This was my favorite! I bet everyone who participated enjoyed in the making/watching.

  30. I never really thought about leaving a voice-thread as a comment for my comments for kids, but then I never really took into consideration that there was a possibility they, the student, couldn't read yet. I think that the short voice-thread that your class created was amazing, and is something that I will consider doing for some of my comments for kids! Amazing!!!

  31. Wow!! It's amazing how personal a message over the interent can get! Interactive learning is the future..which is now!
    Meghan W.
    (Dr. Strange's edm310 Class)

  32. Mr. Chamberlin:
    My name is meghan and I am in EDM310 @ SOuth Alabama. Thanks for putting this together so I could see! I know I liked seeing how personal a message to someone can get over the internet! Just one of the many cool things you can do now to further learning!!

  33. This was a very interesting post, it shows how easily we can connect with people all over the world with technology. The internet and its tools can open us up to whole new experiences and broaden our perception on life. In my EDM310 class with Dr. Strange we are learning new ways to incorporate technology into our classrooms. Your class is a great example of how much technology can enrich a students education.

  34. I enjoyed this a lot. Thanks for putting this together. It shows me how far technology has come throughout the years. I had to read this as an assignment in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama.

  35. Great work, again Mr. C. It is amazing how far technology has come. Voice thread is quickly becoming a major educational tool for the future. I'm glad Kaia's father notice her photo and invited the class to communicate with her via voice thread. Thanks, Lamar J. King a student in Dr. Strange EDM310 class.

  36. Hello,
    I am in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at South Alabama. You and your class have done an amazing job. You and your class have shown me that teaching and integrating technology can be done by students younger than myself. Thanks and keep up the great work.
    Marianne Lane

  37. Very inspiring! I hope this will become the norm in all classrooms one day. I though the use of the voice thread made the connection even more authentic. Thanks for your continued ideas and leadership in technology.
    Sherik Butler
    EDM310 Mobile, AL

  38. Hi my name is Samantha Pate. I am Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at USA. I loved the voice threads! This is a great idea for kids who can not spell or read. I thought it was an amazing job of using technology in new and creative ways. I find that this type of blog/voice thread are very motivating and I am encouraged to use them in my own class in the future. These are great ideas and I enjoyed watching all the voice thread comments.

  39. I really liked the way you used the voice tread to make technology more personable. This a great way to make education more exciting to students as well.

  40. Im a student at South Alabama. I like that you guys are using technology at such an early age because it will become a bigger part of your lives in the future. So its important for you all to be comfortable with using it. Great job

  41. Hi, my name is Adam Brining and I am in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed this post, but especially liked how in the video each part was spoken by a different student. I think that doing that not only connected Kaia to your class, but to each student.

  42. I am a student of Dr.Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama. I think it's absolutely wonderful how you are incorporating voice-thread into the classroom. It will not only keep the children interested but it will keep their parents interested and in touch as well.

  43. Hi, I am a student of Dr.Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama. I loved the voice threads! You all did a great job! I think it is wonderful that you and your students are communicating with people all over the world. Keep up the good work!!

  44. Hi I am a student of Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at South Alabama. I enjoyed the voice threads that your class shared with us. I think it was very nice of your class to take out the time to make these videos and comments for Kaia. I am just amazed that I live in a time that I can get on my computer and connect with someone on the other side of the world. Amazing!

  45. hello Mr. Chamberlain,
    i am a student of Dr. Strange's edm 310 class. just wanted to thank you for showing all the cool links.

    i think it is so cool to see young students so involved and in tune with learning and adapting to the many technologies they have before them. i really enjoyed the pictures with audio. it really made communicating online much more personal and if you ask me, more interesting.
    thanks again, Mikhail from edm 310 class

  46. I am a student of Dr. Strange at the University of South Alabama EDM 310 class. I was really amazed by the technology used. That extremely nice of you to do the voicethread for Kaia.

  47. I am also in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class. What a thoughful idea to make a voicethreadfor Kaia! It is amazing to see the technology used.
