
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Whittier Skype Meeting

Here are some pictures and videos of the meeting between Mrs. Baker's ESOL class and Mrs. Whittier's Spanish class. Mrs. Baker teaches in Noel, Missour and Mrs. Whittier is in Fredericksburg Virginia. As you can see, I had to kludge together a stand for the camera. I wish I had thought to bring powered speakers for the laptop, it would have really helped the students' hearing.

Overall, I thought the meeting went extremely well and we plan to continue the conversation later in the year. If you would like your class to skype with one of our 3-8 classes, feel free to contact me and we will set it up!


  1. What a great experience! The students didn't want to leave class! Congrats Ms. Whittier and Mrs. Baker and Mr. Chamberlain!

  2. So much fun to hear from my 8th graders about their chat with you. Thanks for helping make this happen.

  3. that's the coolest!

  4. Cool blog Mr c if you want you can come check out our new blog its not much yet but it will be soon.Its addess is
