
Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Clumsy Pirate

This video was created for my class by Kimberly Covey. This video shows how puppets can be used to create an interesting video. Notice the puppets manage to tell a story without ever speaking. Since we do a lot of body interpreting when we communicate, this is an easy way to demonstrate that concept.


  1. Hello this is Shannon and Christina from rm10

    We have just watched your you-tube clumbsy pirate, It was pretty funny.
    You did a good job of controlling the pirates.
    You should come and vist our blog, and look at some of our blog action day posts!!!

    goodbye for now

  2. This is Danielle from rm10 New Zealand
    I think this is a funny video, but the music is very annoying.your blog is very neat.

    you should come vist our blog
