
Friday, October 02, 2009

How to Speak Chuukese Part 1

Bradley and I are working together to create some video lessons on how to speak Chuukese. I have found very little information on the language on line so we decided to create our own. I did find a link to a Chuukese dictionary, but Bradley didn't recognize all the words. Because of the islands different dialects, it seems that each island's language has slightly evolved from the others.

In this video Bradley gives us the word for "Hello" and the phrase for "How are you?"

I would like to thank @NZWaikato for the idea for this activity. The inspiration came from his class blog last year Tamaki Today. You can find his work on his new class blog Room 8 @Melville Intermediate School

If you know someone that speaks Chuukese, we would very much like to set up a conversation between our students and them. Please leave me a comment or send an email.


  1. Hi,
    What a fine idea to study the language. There are some languages of small groups of people in our territiry and studentsstudy them and make reseach projects for School conference wich is held every March.
    Best wishes,
    Larisa Tarasevich

  2. I have never heard of this language before and was very interested in your videos.
    Good luck with your project.
    Mrs Knott

  3. amanda4:15 AM

    My Husband is Chuukese. We have been together 4 years. I can understand the language. To speak it is another story. I am glad I found your site. I hope to learn a lot more and mabey I can even give you a few TIPS I hope!

  4. Great idea! I hope to share some French videos of my students on our website. I'm sure they'd be interested to see this video.

  5. I live in HI, and we have a very large Chuukese population here. I myself and trying to learn the language. Thank you for the post!

  6. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I live in Hawaii and as kjsanta explained we have a very large population of Chuukese people here. I only know how to say hello (Ra Annim) and I Love You (Ai tong nogonok) I'm trying to learn the language myself as I am fascinated by their culture.

  7. While researching the Chuuk language, I found a really good Bible-education website that is translated into more than 700 languages including "Fosum Chuuk": WWW.JW.ORG. Click on the language box at the very TOP RIGHT corner and search for Fosum Chuuk or just Chuuk and the entire website is in Chuukese! Many Bible publications also available in Chuckese. What a wonderful provision for those whose native tongue is Chuukese and wanting to learn more about the Bible!

  8. Aubree6:24 PM

    My husband is from losap Micronesia and I want to learn chuuekse language because I just had my son and we want to teach my son the language too.
