
Thursday, October 28, 2010

100,000 Visits!

The blog officially had its 100,000 visitor yesterday. I would like to thank everyone that has visited and left a comment. When I started this blog almost four years ago I thought it might be a fun thing to use with my class. Since then it has become the most important tool I have ever used. I am amazed at the support I have received through the years from so many great people!


  1. Wow! 100,000 visitors. That's awesome! Thanks so much for the comment on our class blog. We appreciate it a lot. If you ever want to skype, our Kindergartens would be willing!
    -Mrs. Maley and the Kindergartens from W.H. Ford in Regina Sk.

  2. One the one hand I think the figure is absolutely amazing, on the other hand I think it reflects the quality of the work here and the engagement of the students that you teach. Its a wonderful benchmark. Well done. Any prediction for when you will reach 200,000?

  3. @Mrs. Maley My students have been able to pick the blogs they leave comments on. I really think they enjoy leaving comments on younger students blogs. We should definitely set up a time to skype in :)

    @Myles Since it took almost four years I would expect another four. Although I have seen a big jump in new class blogs, I haven't seen a similar jump in visits to my site. I suspect I tend to promote other blogs more than mine through comments4kids.

  4. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Congratulations!!...Your blog is awesome!
    I am just learning how to create a blog for my future Spanish classes and yours has given me some ideas. Thank you!!
