
Monday, November 01, 2010

Flat Stanley Visits Our Classroom

In the mail today I had a surprise, Flat Stanley! Jason Schmidt's class in Omaha, Nebraska sent him to us. Here is the letter I wrote with pictures. 

Thank you for letting Stanley visit my classroom today.  He arrived on Monday, November 1. I opened the letter you sent at the beginning of second period.  Here is a picture of Stanley and your letter:
In second period, Stanley helped Chance do some math logic problems on the website. Chance sure needed the help! Here is a picture of Chance with Stanely
My assistant principal came by for a visit. Here is Stanley visiting with Mrs. Buttram:
I went on Twitter and announced Stanley’s arrival. He quickly received a lot of “hello’s” from people. One teacher sent a link:  Here is a picture of my friends saying hello to Stanley:
In third period, media history, Stanley watched the last episode of the American Revolution documentary The RevolutionThe End Game. Stanley learned all about the battle of Yorktown!
In fourth period I taught 7th grade math. Stanley helped Kyla find the slope of a line. It was a good thing Stanley was there, I needed the help!
After math we had lunch. Here is Stanley getting a BBQ sandwich. I was surprised at how much he ate! How does he stay so thin and eat so much?
Fifth period we are back in the lab. We will be doing logic puzzles the rest of the day.100_0568.JPG

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