
Wednesday, April 08, 2015

8th Grade Favorite Voting


  1. hi miss c's and your class
    we are doing a birds eye view and we would like to know
    how many desks do you have ,do you have a teacher desk
    do you have Ipads, computers and a smart screen
    Aroha and Ashton at auroa school room 3 new zeland

  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Hi, Mr. C!

    We are a 4th grade class in Texas, and we are looking at your blog while in class. We can't see the graphic, but we would love to know who won the 8th Grade Voting.

    Was the voting for your school student council? We would love to know!

    Thank you for your answer,
    from room 406 in Houston, Texas!

  3. Room 406,
    I'm sorry, but I don't remember who won each category. I could look at the results but they aren't completely accurate because some students won more than one category and got to choose.

    Mr. C
