
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Ben Franklin's Cartoon

What did Ben Franklin want his newspaper readers to learn from this cartoon? Click here for an excellent resource for this cartoon.


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    It meat that all of the people needs to come together and be united!

  2. Anonymous2:27 PM

    He was trying to get across to every one that if we are separated we will die,but if we are together we will win over the king!!!

  3. Anonymous2:29 PM

    If they don't join they will die. If they join they will live.

  4. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Ben Franklin wanted newspaper readers in the colonies to know that if they didn't want to join together
    and defeat the king the king would take over.

  5. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I think that Ben Franklin wanted his newspaper because he was trying to sell the stamps.

  6. Anonymous2:37 PM

    i think Ben Franklin want his newspaper readers to learn this cartoon is because it's better to work together and stand up for the king.

  7. Anonymous2:37 PM

    if they dot joun they will dei

  8. Anonymous2:39 PM

    for the colonies to come together and
    to be one colony.

  9. Anonymous2:41 PM

    The snake is cut up cause they are not working together.

  10. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I think Ben Franklin wanted his newspaper readers to learn from his cartoon that it's better to work all together and stand up to the King for no more taxes.

  11. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Ben Franklin wanted his newspaper readers to learn from this cartoon was to get everyone together.

  12. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Ben Franklin made this cartoon to help show how the colonies should come together or they will die. :(

  13. Anonymous3:06 PM

    to scare them

  14. Anonymous8:17 AM

    If they don't join they will die.If they join they will live.

  15. Anonymous8:18 AM

    no taxation without respresentation

  16. Anonymous8:36 AM

    It meant that if we fight apart will
    die or if we fight together will

  17. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Ben Franklin wanted his newspaper readers to see that if all the people in the colonies got together they could fight the King, but if they didn't get together, then they would all die.

  18. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Ben Franklin wanted his newspaper readers to join the 13 colonies to get the king to leave,if they did not join they will die.

  19. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Ben Franklin wanted his newspaper readers about the cartoon if you join you will live if you refused you will die.

  20. Anonymous8:41 AM

    He wanted the people to understand that all the colonies to come together and defeat the king.He also wanted to tell the people that the snake is separated like the colonies and if the snake comes together it is dangerous.So if all the colonies come together they will be dangerous to.

  21. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Ben Franklin wanted every newspaper reader to know is they would die if they didn't join together they would die.

  22. Anonymous8:42 AM

    The carton was like if the snake was put together we can all destroy the king.

  23. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Ben Franklin want his newspaper readers to learn from this cartoon. Is because if all the colonies join together they can take the king down.

  24. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Ben franklin wanted every newspaper readers

  25. Anonymous8:57 AM

    He means if you do not join in to fight the king you will die.

  26. Anonymous8:58 AM

    What Ben Franklin wanted his newspaper readers to learn from his cartoon is that if all the colonies join together, they will live, but if they all the colonies work separately as individuals, then they will not be successful.

  27. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Ben Franklin wanted his newspapers readers to know about the cartoon that if thay do not agree thay will die.

  28. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Ben Franklin want his newspaper readers to learn from the cartoon by joining or die.

  29. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Ben Franklin drew this cartoon to show the colonists to join together and if you don't we are going to die.

  30. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Ben Franklin wanted people to know if they joint together they could defeat the king, and if they did not join they will get deafeted by the king. So Ben Franklin put the sing that said join or die but for people who did not know how to read he put a snake that said the name of the thirteen colonies ,and he put a snake that was cut in parts and it meant that we can't life if we are apart so we need to join to live.

  31. Anonymous9:37 AM

    He wanted leaders to learn that you should not be mean.

  32. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Ben Franklin wanted his readers to
    learn that if they come together
    they stand chance, but if they do not
    come together they shall die!

  33. Anonymous9:43 AM

    he,s trying to say join us that way we can be stronger

  34. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I think BEN FRANKLIN wanted his newspaper readers to think well I better not even try to get a job as a stamp man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  35. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Ben Franklin wanted his readers to learn about the cartoon because it had some 13 Colonies on it.

  36. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Ben Franklin's cartoon meant if the snake is apart than they can't fight together as one.But together they can fight as one and also have a big powerful colony and fight with.

  37. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Ben Franklin's cartoon meant if the snake is apart than they can't fight together as one.But together they can fight as one and also have a big powerful colony and fight with.

  38. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Los motivo a ver una inportansia en el dibujo y los lectores llegaron a sacarlo en el periodico

  39. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Because maybe to learn about it or put it on the newspaper or what happened.

  40. Anonymous9:49 AM

    If the colonies join, they won't die.

  41. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I thik it will docse in the water bcase it is cool water

  42. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Newspaper readers learned that alone
    we will die like a cut up snake, but
    united we are powerful as a snake.

  43. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Ben Franklin wanted his newspaper readers to know:if they joined the stamp agents they would die.

  44. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Ben Franklin wanted his newspaper readers to learn that they would die but together they will be powerful.

  45. Anonymous9:57 AM

    He means they ether refuse to be a part of the stamp act or they will die

  46. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Ben Franklin want his newspaper readers to learn from his cartoon because he wanted other people to read his cartoon so they don't have the some life as he did.

  47. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Ben Franklin wanted his readers to learn that the Thirteen colonies wanted to be free and not overruled by England

  48. Anonymous10:01 AM

    The drawing in meciately caught the pubiic's fancy and and was reprodin newspapers.

  49. Anonymous10:02 AM

    he wanted to mean as to saying that we can join and fight together or we all die. also saying that if we fight together or die together.

  50. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Ben Franklin want his newspaper readers to learn from this cartoon by showing the colonists that if they work together, they can destroy the king's tax.;)

  51. Anonymous12:19 PM

    if they didn't would die and if they did they wold join togather and form a army.

  52. Anonymous2:25 PM

    it meat that the 13 colonies shod join.
