
Friday, May 30, 2008

SS Experiment #1 Does Heat Effect the Rate of Diffusion?

After completing the first experiment for summer school, what did you observe? Does the temperature effect the rate of diffusion? Explain your answer.


  1. Anonymous9:28 AM

    We observed that in the warm water diffusion happens faster. Diffusion in the cold water happens slower. Yes the temperature effects the rate of diffusion because the cold water took 1 minute and the warm water took 36 seconds.

  2. Anonymous9:28 AM

    The diffusion in the warm water made the food coloring go faster than the food coloring in the cold water because the heat made it spread out faster in the warm water than in the cold water.

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    The warm water had food color then it spread out faster then the cold water did.

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Yes,because it will diffuse faster in hot water because molecules of the hot water is hot and it will turn to gas.

  5. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Yes, the temperature effected the differently, because the hot water was faster than the cold water.

  6. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Yes because the food coloring in the warm water diffused faster than the cold water did. In the warm water the food coloring diffused within 25-30 seconds.

  7. Anonymous9:30 AM

    The food coloring moved fast in the warm water. So it was green before the cold water was.The warm water diffused faster.I saw the food coloring moving fast.

  8. Anonymous9:30 AM

    The warm water diffused faster. The cold water diffused slower than the warm water. The warm water diffused the food coloring in one min.

  9. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I saw the hot water turn blue in ten seconds.I saw blue water spread out.

  10. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I saw that in warm water the diffuson was faster than cold water in warm water it took 35 seconds and in the cold water it took 1 minute and 30 seconds.what would happen if the water was salt water

  11. Anonymous10:08 AM

    The rate of diffusion is effected by temperature. The rate of diffusion is faster in warmer water than colder water. We noticed that the warm water allowed the food coloring to spread out about three times faster than the cold water.

  12. Anonymous10:12 AM

    In hot water the food coloring dissolves faster.In cold water the food coloring dissolves slower because it freezes.

  13. Anonymous10:12 AM

    After I saw the two cups the food coloring dissolved faster inside the warm water then the cold water.The food coloring splattered when it touched the warm water.

  14. Anonymous10:13 AM

    The warm water diffusion will happen faster because when we did the experiment the warm water was faster than the cold water.

  15. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Yes, heat effects the rate of diffusion because the cold water would stop the diffusion making
    it spread slower and the hot water
    would spread faster.

  16. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Yes b

    Yes because of food coloring.

  17. Anonymous10:14 AM

    The hot water went faster then the cold went slower.

  18. Anonymous10:17 AM

    We observe that warm water is faster than the cold water.It does effect the rate of diffusion because the warm water makes it quickly because it is warm and the cold water is cold.

  19. Anonymous10:23 AM

    The hot water went faster then the cold water.

  20. Anonymous10:23 AM

    What we observe was food coloring into cold and warm water.The warm water diffused faster than the cold water.The cold water took longer than the warm water.So they did not diffuse at the same time.

  21. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I observed that the warm water went faster with the food coloring and the cold water went slow with the food coloring.Yes, the temperature rate effected the diffusion because,you can tell the food coloring went slow .

  22. Anonymous10:27 AM

    The hot water went faster and the cold water went slower, the food coloring made the water blue.

  23. Anonymous10:27 AM

    The hot water went faster,and the food coloring went fast too,and the cold water went slow.

  24. Anonymous10:29 AM

    The warm water was the one that could
    get .And get the color faster then the warm water.The cold water is slower then the warm water.

  25. Anonymous11:15 AM

    The warm water went faster than the cold water.

  26. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I saw that the diffusion happened faster in cold water and in warm water the diffusion happened slower.

  27. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Yes it did. The hot water was the fastest one. The cold water was slow .

  28. Anonymous11:18 AM

    We saw the food coloring and it was the same in the warm and cold water. We observed how fast the water went.

  29. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I saw the cold water went faster than Warm water.Then that hot water went slower then the cold water.

  30. Anonymous11:24 AM

    We observed that the hot water went faster than the cold water.

  31. Anonymous11:29 AM

    My partner and I were right on our Hypothesis. The hot water spreed faster than the cold water. The cold water still had spaces in it.The hot water was mixing and the cold water was doing it slow.

  32. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Yes, the temperature does effect the warm water from the cold water. The warm water went faster than the cold water.

  33. Anonymous11:30 AM

    We saw the food coloring in the water and in cold water the food colors take time mix up,but the warm water mix up very quickly and looks cool.And takes long to mix up with water.

  34. Anonymous11:30 AM

    After, we put hot water and cold water .We put in food coloring in the water.

  35. Anonymous11:33 AM

    First we got to cups and then we put cold water in one cup and then we put warm water in another cup.Then we observed how the food coloring was spreading out when we poured it in the cups.And then we saw how the food coloring was spreading out to the sides.And that is how we observed it.

  36. Anonymous11:34 AM

    We observed food coloring dissolve in two different kinds of water, one cup of water has cold water and the second cup has hot water. Yes, the temperature effected the different rates of the water. We saw the food coloring goes faster in the hot water tan in the cold.

  37. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I learn that the hot water did not work.only the cold water worked. and I observer that hot water did not the cold water was faster than the hot water.

  38. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Our first interment was food coloring in hot and cold water. After we put hot and cold water the hot water went faster then the cold water. The cold water went slower then then the hot water.

  39. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Warm water lets the diffusion go faster.Cold water makes the diffusion
    go slow.

  40. Anonymous1:09 PM

    We experimented food coloring in cold and hot water.Our hypothesis was correct because we experimented food coloring.

  41. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Warm water and cold water diffusion
    are at the same rate. And what we seen was that the water staid still when it was in the water.

  42. Anonymous1:13 PM

    The hot water did not undissolved faster but,the cold water undissolved.

  43. Anonymous1:16 PM

    We experiment food coloring in a glass with cold and hot water it turned color faster in cold than hot.

  44. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Our conclusion was that the food
    coloring turned blue when we put
    the food coloring in the hot water.
    When we put the food coloring in
    cold water.The hot water mixed faster.The cold water mixed slower.

  45. Anonymous1:19 PM

    We mixed food coloring and water. Then we watch it changed colors.The colors was red,blue,and yellow.Next we played kickball.

  46. Anonymous1:20 PM

    We observed that dye in the warm water diffused faster than in the cold water. So we figured out that the temperature had something to do the dye and the diffusion.

  47. Anonymous1:27 PM

    1 Problem-How dose the temperature
    of water effect diffusion?
    2 back group-piffusion the process
    of spreeing.
    3 hypothess in warm water diffusion
    will happen.
    4 experiment a.materail-plastic cup,cold water, warm water, food coloring.

  48. Anonymous1:29 PM

    What Arianda and Candy did is we got out the things we need for our experiment.First, we got out plastic cups second we got out cold water third we got out warm water forth we got out food coloring.We get everything ready for our experiment. First we put 1 drop of food coloring in cold water and observe. We see which cup of warm and cold water will be done first.The answer we got was the warm water won to be first.

  49. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Cruz and Naljay figured out that hot water makes the food color spread faster.

  50. Anonymous1:42 PM

    First as I experimented I saw that the hot water diffused and spread out so fast.While the cold water diffused the same way but in a slower motion.

  51. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Yes, it did effect the rate of of them was darker then the other.80ph

  52. Anonymous2:26 PM

    We observed the food coloring and we discovered that diffusion makes hot water go faster and cold water go slower.

  53. Anonymous2:41 PM

    We saw the hot water made the foodco- loring faster,then couldwater. Even the could water effect the foodcoloring.

  54. Anonymous2:52 PM

    The hot water was faster then the cold water. When we put the food coloring in the cold water it went slow. When we mixed with warm water it was faster.The food coloring would mix with the water.The food coloring mixed with the warm water.We were supposed to watch the clock to see how long it took to dissolve.We had steps to do it in.The experiment helped me learn things.

  55. Anonymous2:56 PM

    We found out that the food coloring spreads faster in warm water than cold water.

  56. Anonymous6:22 PM

    that was fun

  57. Anonymous2:26 AM

    cool experiment
