
Wednesday, June 04, 2008

SS Experiment 2

In the second experiment you were given the task to see if the temperature of water effects the rate of dissolving. What did you learn?


  1. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I learned that the cold took longer then the hot water to dissolve.

  2. Anonymous8:46 AM

    room temperature was second hot was first cold was third start 8:49 end 9:20

  3. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I have learnt that hot water is 1st room tempature is 2nd and cold go's the slowest it was third place we started at 8:49 and ended at 9:20

  4. Anonymous8:54 AM

    I learned that the temperature of water does effect the rate of dissolving. I saw that the room temperature water was faster. the cold water took slower.I wonder what would happen if I used vinegar instead of water.I also wonder what would happen if I used alcohol instead of water.

  5. Anonymous8:55 AM

    My hypothises were right cuse temperature does effect the rate in disvole in the sugar cube. What will happen if we used salt cubes instaed of sugar cubes. What will happen if we crashed the sugar cube then putb it in the water.Also if we used alcahal instead of water.

  6. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I saw the sugar cubes dissolve faster in hot water and another sugar cubes dissolve slower in cold water and the sugar dissolve the least in room temperature water.

  7. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I saw the sugar cube in the warm water dissolved faster than the room temperature water and the cold water. It was faster because the molecules were moving faster. They were moving faster because when the molecules rub together it creates friction.When the water moves faster the sugar will move faster.

  8. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Yes the temperance effect the rate a sugar cube. The hot water was faster then the cold water and the worm water.

  9. Anonymous8:58 AM

    The hot water dissolved one sugar cube faster than the room temperature, cold water.

  10. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I saw the sugar cubes dissolve faster in hot water and another sugar cubes dissolve slower in cold water and the sugar dissolve the least in room temperature water.

  11. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I learn that the sugar cube dissolves first on hot water then cold water and then room temperature.The cube took 16 minutes to dissolve in hot water.

  12. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Eight:fifty one we put the sugar cubes in the hot,cold,and room temp water.A few minutes later I saw that the sugar was on the side of the cup in the hot water the cold,and the room temp stay at the bottom of the cup.A few minutes later the hot water has dissolved.The cold and room temp stay at the bottom of the cup.

  13. Anonymous9:10 AM

    My hypothoses was right the temputure did effect the rate of the sugar cube in the hot water,but the sugar cube was not all the way dissolved but most of it did.

  14. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Wen we put the cube in hot water it dissolve fast then cold and room temperature wen,t slow.

  15. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I discovered that a sugar cube in cold water dissolves slower than one in hot water,and I observed one in my mouth,plus a chocolate kiss it was awesome.

  16. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I learned that the hot water can dissolve a sugar cube faster than the cold and room water. The cold one did not dissolve fast. The room water.That made all the sugar cube dissolve.

  17. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I found that a sugar cube dissolves faster in hot water than in cold or room temp. My hypothesis is correct.

  18. Anonymous9:21 AM

    My Hypothesis was correct because I wrote down that the heat does effect the water and it does effect the temperature does effect the water. What would happen if you used vinegar instead of water? What would happen if you use a salt cube?

  19. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I learn that the sarge dissolve faster in the hot water ,and the could water did not dissolve faster then the hot water.

  20. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I observed that the cube in the hot water was dissolving the fastest.The room temperature water was dissolving the slowest.Temperature effects the rate of dissolving.

  21. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The nomarl water with the sugar cube dsalffe slow hot water dsalffe faster.

  22. Anonymous9:52 AM

    In "SS Experiment 2" I learned by
    observing is that the sugar cube dissolved faster than the cold and temperature water though the sugar
    cube in the hot water did not dissolve completely it did spread
    faster than the others.

  23. Anonymous9:57 AM

    When we did the sugar cub in the hot water . was faster then the cool water and faster then room temp water.

  24. Anonymous9:58 AM

    the sugar cube dissolved faster in the hot water the sugar cube dissolved slower in the cold water the sugar cube in the room temperature dissolved the same as the cold water

  25. Anonymous10:00 AM

    When water's temp is different it will have different actions like sugar.Sugar will melt faster in hot water then room water and cold water.

  26. Anonymous10:03 AM

    The warm water was faster .Then the
    cold water and the temperature
    water.When we put the sugar want
    faster then the chocolate kiss went.
    Really slow then the sugar because
    the chocolate kiss .

  27. Anonymous10:03 AM

    In the second experiment, I was given to see if the temperature of water effects the rate of dissolving. I saw that the hot water is faster because the heat from the hot water makes it dissove fast.

  28. Anonymous10:04 AM

    the hot water went faster the room temmpiture slower and the cold went slowest

  29. Anonymous10:04 AM

    The sugar cubes would dissolve faster in the hot water than the cold and room temperature water the sugar cube in the hot water looked almost empty the cold water looked a bit empty and the room temperature looked like it had a lot more.

  30. Anonymous10:08 AM

    When you put the sugar in the water it being to disappear and you can see
    the little pieces in the bottom of the cup.

  31. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I learn that the warm water dissolved
    faster then the cold water or the rt water.And no the temperature does not effects the rate water.

  32. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I learned that we used sugar cubes to put in the hot,cold,and room temperature we put each sugar cube in the water.First we put it in the hot water which it went faster the cold went last to dissolve the room temperature was second to dissolve.

  33. Anonymous10:19 AM

    When I put the sugar cube in the cup with the hot water, cold water, and room temperature water the sugar cube inside the hot water started to dissolve really fast.The cold water started to dissolve next.But, the room temperature water dissolved slow.

  34. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I saw that the hot water dissolved faster than the room temperature and cold water and then the room temperature water dissolved second and the cold water dissolved last and the temperature of room temperature and cold water were the same .

  35. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I learned that the hot water makes the sugar cube dissolves faster then the cold and room temperature water.

  36. Anonymous10:21 AM

    The hot dissolved fast and the cold and the same dissolved slow.When we put the sugar cube in our mouths it dissolve fast,and when we put the chocolate in our mouths it dissolved slow.

  37. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I learned if you take three cups and put water in them and put one sugar cube in each cup at the same time they will devolve.Label them like one cup room temperature, hot, and cold.

  38. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I learn that the hot water was faster for the sugar to dissolve. The cold water was faster then the temperature water because the temperature water was longer to dissolve. That 10:52 then I put the sugar cube the sugar cube dissolve and then it touched the bottom of the cup.

  39. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I learned that in the hot water the ice cube dissolved faster.Cause when I did the experiment, I had to drop an ice cube in the room temperature cup,cold cup,and hot cup at the same time.In the cold cup it almost dissolved fast.In the room temperature cup it hardly didn't dissolve.

  40. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I learn that the sugar in hot water dissolves more faster and in cold water not.The temperature of hot water dissolves more faster then the cold water.I observe that if you move the cold water and the hot water they won't be dissolve.

  41. Anonymous10:28 AM

    The food coloring moves faster
    than the cold water.

  42. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I found that the sugar cube melt faster in hot water. The cold water was last to melt. The temperature water was about to melt. We put a sugar cube in our mouthes mine was about to melt last, we also put kisses in our mouthes mine got stuck on top of my mouth.

  43. Anonymous11:00 AM

    When you put the sugar cubes in the
    3 different water temperatures the sugar cube in hot water brakes down the fastest, then the cold water, last the room temp water. Over 30 min. the sugar was still at the bottom of the cup. The hot water was the closest to being all the way dissolved.

  44. Anonymous11:00 AM

    What i learned is that first,we got three sugar cubes.And then what we did is that we got three cups.We got hot water,cold water,and rt water. We put the cubes inside the cups and then we looked at the time.We started
    at 10:57am.and ended at 11:12am.It took a long time for the cubes to dissolve.The hot water was the first one to dissolve the rt was the second one to dissolve and the cold water was the last one to dissolve.

  45. Anonymous11:01 AM

    MY comment was wrong because i thought that the sugar cube was going to dissolve faster than the chocolate but the chocolate dissolve faster than the sugar cube.

  46. Anonymous11:01 AM

    we put sugar cubes in hot water,
    cold water,and medium water.
    we put the sugar cube in next. then
    we watch them dissolve.
    the hot water dissolve first a little
    bit. then we eat chocolate and one
    sugar cube

  47. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I learned that the temperature of the water does effect the rate. The hot water dissolves faster then the cold water and room temperature water. The
    cold water dissolves a little faster then the room temperature water. The room temperature water is slower then the hot water and the cold water. The sugar cube in the hot water dissolved in 1m.

  48. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I learn that it won,t Dissolve easy. it should take one hour to dissolve.we got hot water cold water and temperature water . when we put sugar cubes .we saw that the one that melted quick was the hot one.

  49. Anonymous11:13 AM

    In the warm water the salt dissolved faster.The room temperature water was faster to dissolve then the cold water.The cold water dissolved the slowest.

  50. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I observed that in the hot water the sugar dissolved the fastest. In the temperature room water the sugar dissolved the second fastest. While in the cold water the sugar cube dissolved the slowest.It all started at 10:55 and it ended at 11:30.It took 35 minutes for the sugar cube to dissolve in the hot water. The most advanced cup was the hot water.

  51. Anonymous11:18 AM

    We got a sugar cube and hot water,
    cold water,and medium water.
    and we put the sugar cube in the
    waters. and then we watched it
    dissolve. the hot one was the one that dissolved more faster. and we ate chocolate and
    one sugar cube to see witch one dissolves more faster.

  52. Anonymous11:21 AM

    learned that if you put a sugar cube in some hot water it will dissolv faster

  53. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I learned that the temperature
    of water does effect the rate
    of a sugar cube . When the
    water is cold it goes slow
    ,and when it's hot it goes
    fast because the sugar cube
    dissolved more faster in the
    hot then in the cold.

  54. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I observed that the sugar cube dissolved quicker in the hot water because, I started at 10:55 and I looked after 5 minuets and, I saw that there was less sugar in the hot water then in the room temperature water or, the cold water. I realize that if you have two pieces of candy and two cups.One of them filled with hot water another filled with cold water.If you put one of the candy's in hot water and, one in the cold water.The one in the hot water will dissolve faster because the hot gas in the hot water melts the candy.In the cold water is like a freezer so it keeps it cool for a little longer than the hot water.So thats what I observed.

  55. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Me and my partners we used three cup and three sugar cubs and we used one cup of hot,cold,room temperature.And then we waited a few minutes. And then first come hot and cold and then come rt.And then we started at 10:57 and ended at 11:12.

  56. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I found out that the sugar cube dissolves slow in hot water but the sugar cube went faster but room temperature went slow.

  57. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I learned in the second experiment that we were given the task to see if the temperature of water affects the rate of dissolving well i think it did.

  58. Anonymous12:31 PM

    What i first laird the hot water thug lees time to break down. Room tempter tack moor time to break down. And cold water thug the most time.

  59. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I learned that when you put sugar cubes with hot water it dissolves faster then cold ,and room temperature.

  60. Anonymous12:35 PM

    What I learned about the dissolving rate and the temperature to dissolve the sugar cubes was that it was the water too. The water got the air out of the sugar cubes.

  61. Anonymous12:37 PM

    The reason why the hot water melted first is cause the particles spread faster. The reason why the room temp is cause the temp wasn't as cold as the cold water. my hypothesis was write because I thought the hot water would make the sugar dessolve first.

  62. Anonymous12:40 PM

    when we put the ice cubes in the hot,cold,and fresh water.The ice cubes started to dissolve.The hot water dissolved the cube faster then the cold and fresh.The fresh was the next one that was melted slow and the cold water was the slowest.

  63. Anonymous12:41 PM

    when I put the sugar cup in the hot water it melt and it dissolve

  64. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I learn about that is a sol it liquid and when we put sugar.
    it turn to soil.

  65. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I learn that diffusion of hot water make the sugar cube melt faster

  66. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Cruz learn that the hot water dissolving faster. The cold water dissolving.

  67. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I put liquid in a cup and water also in the cup to.It was geting harder.
    Than it was solid. It was solid all
    night. It tuck twov hours.

  68. Anonymous12:54 PM

    First I done was put a cube in a cup.Then we watch the cube dissolve. Next we check the cube and they were done.

  69. Anonymous12:55 PM

    The salt is going to melt faster in the hot water.Then In cold water the salt won`t melt easy it takes more time in cold water then hot water to melt faster because it will make it more salt stay there then the hot water like a mixture you can take stuff out but like cealer you can`t take stuff out because it`s kind of solid food put together in milk.

  70. Anonymous12:55 PM

    first i got the sugar cube and then i got cold,hot,room temperature water's and. then we drop the sugar cubes in the count of 3.then we waited witch water can dissolve the sugar first.
    and so the hot water dissolved first . rt water and then the cold water and hot water dissolved first.

  71. Anonymous12:56 PM

    We learned that the sugar cubes rate was effected by the hot water and the cold water and room temperature water. The hot water effected the sugar cubes more than the room temperature and the cold water but the room temperature effected the sugar cube the most out of the cold and the room temperature.

  72. Anonymous12:58 PM

    The hot water was medium,the cold water slow and room Temperature was fast.

  73. Anonymous12:59 PM

    when i putted the ice cubes in each water, the first cube in the hot water dissolve fast.the next cube in the room temperature water dissolve faster. the last cube in the cold water dissolve slower.

  74. Anonymous1:03 PM

    i learned the sugar cube in the hot water dissolved the fastest.Crissy,Lesli,Kayla and I
    thought the rt and cold water with the sugar cube would dissolve the fastest but we were thats what we learned.

  75. Anonymous1:05 PM

    The cubes melt faster in the hot them the cold. they dissolve in the cold slower then in the room temper.

  76. Anonymous12:55 PM

    sugar cubes dissolve a lot slower than regular sugar does, but i still have to stir them. the regular sugar with stirring at rm temp water took 4 min and the sugar cube at rm temp water with stirring took 7 min
