
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thank You Mr. Webb and Tamaki Today!

A package came today from New Zealand. A package that I have been waiting for. Mr. Webb from Tamaki Today had sent me a message saying he had sent a thank you package for our work on one of his video projects.
As the students looked on, I slowly took out the items that had been sent. First was a stuffed kiwi. Next, two magnets, one that showed a picture of a kiwi. Then I pulled out a very neat lanyard (which I am now wearing). I then pulled out a huge textile map that had the country of New Zealand with some interesting information on it. At the bottom of the package was a paper weight that has New Zealand etched in it. The last thing I pulled out was a card from Mr. Webb thanking the class for our support.
As soon as my students had time, they were up and looking (rather loudly) at the items. They really enjoyed the map. The information on it was very interesting to them. One of my students noticed there were opossums in New Zealand and he asked me if they were the same kind that we have. Obviously, they will be looking that up when they have a few minutes. They also thought it was neat that there are penguins on the map. We have to go to a zoo to see penguins!

Finally, the students started asking me if we were goinng to send some items back to Mr. Webb. I told them I was planning on it, but the problem with that is the Tamaki school will be out for their "summer break" next week. Now, we have already studied about the seasons and their relationship to the tilt of the Earth. They knew that when we had winter, they southern hemisphere was having summer, but they didn't internalize it. The light bulb of understanding shone as they began to really realize that it soon will be summer in New Zealand.

My point is this: Learning takes place when learning is meaningful!


  1. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Thanks for your comment on our "Kiwi Jingle Bells" post. As you can see from the lyrics we definitely have a summer Christmas. If you'd like to know what some of the words mean send us an email or leave us a comment.

    Mr F and Room 9

  2. Mr C and Classroom
    I am pleased that you finally got our package. Our students were constantly asking me why you haven't received it as we posted in two weeks before (we were warned that it could take this long). All's well that ends well - we only have two days left of school for 2008! So its great that you got it! Thanks for the networking its been magic! An absolute highlight of 2008!

  3. Mr C - we conducted a straw pole on the last day of the school and the highlight for the students after a year of work, after all the things that we did was your students contribution to the Sasa (ever since its been done the students have been doing the Sasa calls with America accents, or doing the chicken!). That was the highlight for me of the year too. Our students are on a break for Summer from now until February - I as you know am changing schools but my new school is very excited to be blogging (or starting) and will do so from the first day of school 2009 so will keep in touch. All the best to your students for the holidays and the new year.
    Mr Webb and Room Six, Tamaki Intermediate School, Auckland, New Zealand.

  4. Thank you for leaving comment on our "The day Mrs She Lost her voice!". I am recovering slowly. I hope I'll get better by Christmas.

    We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !

    Mrs She and Room 5
