
Friday, January 07, 2011

The Australian

Today we will be perusing The Australian. Today I would like you to find a local (Australian) story and an international story and write a summary of each in the comments to this post. We will be sharing these the last ten minutes of the period.


  1. OK I found out that a great-grandma that was 90 years old was missing for 2 days in New Zealand. After the 2 days her grandson saw her through bulrushes and was waist deep in swampy mud. They took her to the hospital and after 54 hrs. she was released and the doctors classified her as in good health.

  2. I read two articles one was about a man named Julian Assange, who is the director and founder of the website Wikileaks. This a website that releases vital information about countries for anyone to read and see. The other was about a Coptic Church in Australia that is being threatened with bombs and weapons.

  3. I read about two articles one was about a man that lived in New York was attacked by two dogs. The dogs left the man critically injured and they shot and killed both of them. The other article was about a Coptic Church being threaten to be blown by a international terrorist group so far their attempts haven't been so successful.

  4. I found a thing about wine in Australia.790 million liters in 2007 worthing 3 billion dollars.Also people have found an easy way to have money, just by posting links.They get up to 1,500-8,000 monthly.

  5. There has been a bombing at the Coptic Church because of the religious people of Sydney not wanting the Egyptian Religion there. Now there is a large group of police officers surrounding the Church protecting it from outsiders. Several people have tried to attack the cops to get into the church. Because of the oncoming threats the police force are releasing Choppers to search the area.

    I'm not sure if this is how the story exactly goes. This is what i got from The Australian

  6. I found an article on the floods in Queensland. the floods caused the coal production to stop. I also found out that there eas 21000 arrests in thailand for selling drugs.

    Wet and humid conditions across eastern Australia might have kept beachgoers inside so far this summer.
    large and dangerous snakes has been in the flooded areas. People will find Spiders, flies, ants and cockroaches in their home cause they happen to be in the humid area.
    The increased rain has raised the water levels in the ground, so that's bringing the funnel webs out of their homes earlier this season, more than usual, people will find these in their homes, taking refuge from maybe too much rain and heat outside.
    Also the humidity brings out the bugs and lizards so the snake are able to appear in Australia.
    There was also a jellyfish found in Australia. There were 1000 snakebites per year in Australia. This all happens because it is so hot and humid there.

  8. OK this was in Australia its bout their flood it is going to cost them around 5 billion dollars to repair that was damaged also the water searchers have discovered poisnous snakes in the flood parts of Australia.Many people lost family members and their houses.

  9. ashley10:32 AM

    "Rain comes too late for wheat belt town Kulin"(Australian)
    This is about a town called wheat belt town in Kulin it was once populated 1900 people in 1963 but now it only has 850 people because of a huge drought that happened that closed businesses and farmers could work either because of the lack of water. Many people had to find new jobs and they didn't have a stable doctor for last year until government contractor pulled out. Until a storm came they got alot of rain to late for crops but enough to germinate weeds and push up presticide bills. Goverment services will not allow small buisnisses out of wheat belt they order that school and departments must remain at current level and sent senior bureaucrats to farming towns last month to assess needs.The state and commonwealth have jointly funded a $23 million assistance package for farmers.

    "New York police shoot one dog dead,tazer another after man mauled." (international story)
    This story is about a man that was mauled by a Rottweiler and Wheaten terrier he was walking in the street about 9:30pm when they dogs attacked him leaving him hospitalized he had leg and arm wounds. The police killed the Rottweiler and tazed the Wheaton terrier.The dogs, owned by Brenton Burrell, 55, attacked and killed a Yorkshire terrier last year. But cops were forced to release the dogs after Burrell paid all fines issued as a result of the first attack.

  10. There were two sister that commited an arm robbery. They only got $11 out of the guys wallet. They got jailed 16 years. They were realesed when one of the girls donated a kidney to the other.

  11. There were two sister that commited an arm robbery. They only got $11 out of the guys wallet. They got jailed 16 years. They were realesed when one of the girls donated a kidney to the other.

  12. Two sisters form Mississippi were jailed after commiting an Armed robbery and $11 dollars was stolen for 16 years. They were released so that one sister can donate her kidney to her sister. The treatment was going to cost $200,000. In 1993 the two sisters lured two men to a place with three male teenagers struck them in the head with a gun shot and stole their wallets that was containg around $11.

  13. The X-ray tool to determine the age of the people to check if they are under age is not accurate. So this means that many under aged kids may have gone through the police many times without them knowing. Lawyers want the AFP to fix the machine fast so they can stop going through them.

  14. Local Australia-Migration skills test
    -The TAFE directors from Australia are warning the applicants that they are more than likely to accept over seas students that are 25-32 years of age that have a diploma also that for applicants who are younger than 25 have a very small chance of getting accepted.

    International News-
    A man killed his wife and kids and then gets on a plane off to Haiti. The six bodies were found Saturday about 6:30 pm. Since the year of 2000 the family has had many problems and it seems like the man didnt care about what happened to his family.

  15. The first article I found was about four churches in Australia that has be getting terror threats.A bomb blast and that scared Australian Coptic Christians so Police had to protect Coptic Christians at church. They had to stop there Christmas eve plans and there Christmas plans. When they could go back to church they were scared to do any thing. What if something happens?

  16. So, two sisters from Mississippi were sent to prison for robbing
    11$.Thats the rediculous part,theses two girls lured two men where three male teenagers were armed with a shotgun,hit the men in the head checked their wallets only to find 11$.The sisters were sent to prison for 16 years.They released the sisters so the other could donate her kidney to the other.

  17. My Australian story is about E cigarette scientist thing that they have found a healthier and cheaper way to smoke. People all over have tried it. Will it be healthier or not?

  18. Chance11:03 AM

    My story is about this guy who moves when he starts an investigation and other officers suspect he was visited by a spy and they were right. And it turns out he was paid to leave.So the cops find the spy and arrest him.

  19. A breaking news story in Australia is that local police arrested more than 21,000 people using crystallized methamphetamine , heroin , and marijuana. The amount of drugs they used total to atleast 500 million baht or 16.62 million us dollars. Thailand with other countries has an increase in seizers with the use of meth and trade declines. Police says they had to seize 345 guns and 1,175 bullets and six granades in the last month.

  20. chance11:09 AM

    It comes after the government promised last year that mothers who do not have custody of their children and avoid paying child support to custodian fathers would be hounded and spied on in the same way as men, as figures revealed 20.9 per cent, or 21,028 out of 100,762 female payers, had debts. The proportion of men in arrears was 33.5 per cent, or 219,064 out of 654,745.

  21. When the residents from the Australian flood came back to there houses they were face to face with a mess inside there house. John Campbell finds himself with a mess that the flood caused him. The flood also ruined his house and everything was not lost but most of it was. So there is still hope for this town local.

  22. My other story is about the kidney sisters. They are sisters who took part in a armed robbery. One of the sisters need a kidney transplant and the other decides to give her her kidney so they both get out of jail. There is no set date for the transplant yet though so we will have to wait and see what happens.

  23. itch in google mislead textmessages on android and smartphones messages to random receivers. The bug causes some people to reset and reupdate there phones. The company dosent know when there are going a solve the problem either. Some compare it to a bug that google had about a year ago when a similar bug did almost the same thing. Google is working to fix the problem asap!

  24. A flood of "biblical proportions" that has consumed much of northeastern Australia is moving towards the coast, with rising waters along one river threatening a city of 75,000 people.

    The jury in a court room in Connecticut have been shown a video of an eight-year-old boy accidentally shooting himself with an Uzi submachine gun at a 2008 gun fair in the US.

  25. It's about tracking down criminals that sell drugs. the cops got them they had 1.6 million methamphetamine pills which is hard to say. And the others were 295kg of marijuana, 45.4kg of heroin, and last but not 8.5kg of crystallized methamphetamine "ice". everything together cost 500 million baht ($16.62 million). and Thailand is increasing the number of deaths cause of methamphetamine.the cops also found 345 guns, 1,175 bullets and 6 grenades in this investigation.

  26. Manufacturers are now promising the 3D TV experience without glasses.
    "We don't see the world around us in 2D," Mr Stringer said at Sony's 2011 product unveiling yesterday. So now everyone is doing everything in 3D because 2D got too old. They say 2D is the new 3D. 3D is officially a hit.

    In a series of conciliatory moves, Obama appointed Bill Daley, a Chicago political operative turned financier, as his chief of staff, and brooked a simmering trade dispute with Mexico.

  27. Anonymous11:42 AM

    i am reading about a house in Queensland it flooded in spring and it is on record. It is suggest that 8 out of 13 regions coastal.And it is on recordit is suggest that 8 out os 13 reigons are coastal.the changs in flooding assotated with storm surge adn rain fall there is an investion by the weekend Australin

  28. After a cool reception from consumers who simply do not like watching through expensive hi-tech lenses, manufacturers are now promising the 3D TV experience without glasses. I guess

  29. After a reception from consumers who simply do not like watching through expensive, hi-tech lenses, manufacturers are now promising the 3D TV experience without glasses. This means people are starting to like do everything in 3D now because every one is like getting tired of seeing everything in 2D. I guess they want to make it more interesting for people not to get bored.

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