
Saturday, January 08, 2011

Front Page Scanning

Today we are going to be looking at the front pages of a bunch of different newspapers and trying to see if there is any conclusions we can draw from them. We will be using Newseum to look at the front pages and working together to look for patterns. What kinds of things do you think we will find?

Find at least ten newspapers you can read and decide if their focus is local, national, or international. Make a list and identify the name of the paper, the city and country it is published in, and which focus you think it has.

Click here for the Newseum's front page list. Front Page


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1- The Chronicle Herald- Arizona Shooting- international- Halifax, Nova Scotia.

    2- the Hamilton Spectator- Poisoned
    Political Environment- international- Hamilton,Canada.

    3- The Niagara Falls Review- Dude lives on- International- Niagara Falls, Canada.

    4- The Niagara Falls Review- local- My Toes Were crying for help- Niagara Falls, Canada.

    5- The Windsor Star- international- Victim
    Improves- Windsor, Canada.

    6- The Windsor Star- international- Afghan Pullout- Windsor, Canada.

    7- The Globe and Mall- international- Hope and Horror- Toronto, Canada.


  3. Anonymous1:02 PM

    How does this site improve instruction for you?
