Two days ago there was a huge earthquake in New Zealand. Here is a link to the
Google News page with the latest information. Find two disparate articles (double click on disparate if you don't know what it means) to write a summary about. Make sure you use the 5W's and H to do the summaries so you don't miss reporting any information. Also, remember to
hyperlink back to the original stories. If you don't remember how to hyperlink, ask another student.
If you would like to add a picture or two to your posts,
geoftheref has several
Creative Commons licensed pictures from the quake.
You must give attribution to geoftheref if you use his pictures. Notice how I attributed the picture above. That is an acceptable way to attribute a picture. The link for the picture takes you to the page I downloaded it from. The link to geoftheref takes you to his
profile page on
If you need to, you can list the 5W's and H like I have below on your post, but
write the summary.
As usual make sure you have the words spelled correctly. :)