Sunday, March 17, 2024

Challenges of Expansion


EQ: Did the benefits of expansion outweigh the costs?




  • How did the Northwest Ordinance aid the expansion of the United States?
  • Which Northern states were added to the Union in the beginning of the 1800's?
  • Which Southern states were added to the Union in the beginning of the 1800's?
  • How did Native Americans react to the early expansion?
  • What was the American System?
  • How did transportation improve?
  • What economic measures supported the American System?


  1. Land Ordinance of 1785
  2. Northwest Ordinance of 1787 
  3. Erie Canal
  4. market revolution
  5.  Gibbons v. Ogden
  6. National Road
  7. Adams-Onís Treaty  
  8. pioneer 
  9. McCulloch v. Maryland
  10. Tariff of 1816 
  11. meridian 
  12. Treaty of Ghent

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