AR day was last Wednesday. We planned to spend all day reading books. The students were allowed to bring snacks, wear pajamas, and bring pillows and blankets to get comfortable with. We had a great morning with students reading like crazy. It was awesome to see them reading so intently. Unfortunately, the afternoon was interrupted by an anti-drug assembly. We didn't get to read all day long like we planned.
I got finished with 2 books on this day.
Hi Mr C and your class,
That would have been fun to read for most of the day.It would be hard not to go to sleep in those comfy blankets! What does AR stand for?Please reply at my blog
From Bridget 4/5J Brisbane, Australia.
Hello Mr C and his classy name is meg. I have a blog too and my class 45r are friends with 45j I have read allot of your post and I think they are really good. Please visit my blog at meggiesfolio.blogspot.com
Hi Mr C
Thanks for the comment on 4/5R's blog it was great
I also like your blog
Please leave a comment on my blog at
From Sophie 4/5R Brisbane,Australia
What is AR day it sounds great.
From Hamish45r Brisbane/Australia
Hi Mr C,
What is AR day?
But it's sounds Fun because you get to read all day.
Can you please leave a comment on my blog.
From Emily 45r Brisbane, Australia.
Hi Mr C,
Reading most of the day must of been really fun. I wish I was there because I love to read and to read most of the day would be like soooo cool!! You asked mewhat dance fever is too. Dance fever is when some professional dancers well not really professionals but good dancers who teach us to dance and then at the end of the year for the grade fours and up they get to perform the dances in front of judges. This year we lerant the tango, the show dance and the jive. Dance fever is fun but I missed out on the competion because I was on holidays.
From Rebecca.P 4/5J Brisbane Australia
To Mr. C and class,
Like your post about ar day. I'm sure you would have enjoyed reading books for the whole day. Please leave a comment on my blog. My URL is www.monicasfolio.blogspot.com
From Monica 4/5R
Hi Mr. C & class !
Can you tell me about This AR day ? Is it like fund raising ?
Mrs. SHE
hello Mr.C,
i am from Mr. Howitts class.you might know another elizabeth. i am 02 not 01.
@Bridget AR stands for Accelerated Reader which is a reading program that uses computers to find students' reading levels and then they take comprehension tests over library books they read.
@Mrs. SHE We didn't use it for a fundraiser, but that is not a bad idea. I love the idea of my students doing things that can help others and using AR day for that is an interesting idea.
Mr. C
I think its incredibly proactive and interesting to devote an entire day to reading, its great that the students were engaged for so long as well. We only have a 15 minute block of SSR (Sustained Silent Reading) each day and some of the shorter attention span kids have difficulty concentrating on that but I think that in the right environment it sounds like a fantastic idea.
Mr Webb on behalf of Room Six
Tamaki Intermediate School,
Auckland, New Zealand.
Hi this is paige01pd2016 and I looked at your blog. Can you go on my blog? It is blogs.saschina.org/paige01pd2016. I like your blog.
my name is cookie.I am a student from Mr.Toa's class in china. Nice to meet you.
Hey Mr C!
I am a student from Mr Toa's class. Check out my blog at
Even though you didn't have much time reading I hope you still had a great time! :)
Hi mr C and your class
I wish we couild do it as well but we can't. I think it would of been very comfy and warm. what does AR mean ? Please reply to me at my blog.
from Matt 4.5j
what is AR day.
form tahlia 45r brisbane, Australia.
Hi Mr.C
Nice blog how long did it take you to create your link list??? Do you have any children from internatinal places??? Please come and visit my blog @ www.olliesfolio.blogspot.com
Olivia Brisbane, Austraila 4/5R
Wow AR Day sounds really fun !!!
Olivia 4/5R Brisbane Australia www.olliesfolio.blogspot.com
Hi Mr C and class,
WOW having the day reading books and have your pjs on and bring pillows and blankets I would have fallin asleep I bet it was fun.
Riley M 4/5J
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