This year the fifth grade participated in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. UNICEF uses the money to help children around the world get immunizations and education. We live in a country where we are blessed and we decided we should try to help out children who aren't.
Hi Mr C
my blog link is
and i didnt say to put my email address on i was just saying you can email me not just send comments
and could you give me your email address so i can email you
from sophie 45r
Wow! That is really cool that you can have fun and trick or treat while helping people in need. That's awesome!
it was so nice for your school to help others with halloween and enjoy halloween at the same time, Did you have a good halloween?
Hi Mr C,
The sounds awesome!! My blog address is http://tessafolio.blogspot.com
Tessa 4/5B
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