Here are my nominations for the 2009 Edublog Awards:
Best individual blog Learning Is Messy
Best new blog East Dragon Den
Best class blog Mr. McClung's World
Best student blog Tiffany
Most influential blog post This, This, That
Most influential tweet / series of tweets / tweet based discussion #edchat
Best educational use of video / visual Little Voices, Little Scholars
I want to encourage you to nominate your favorites as well. While not everyone can win, being nominated is an honor. It is a small thing that can make someone else very happy!
Here is a link to my nominating post from last year.
You have made as usual some outstanding choices of some wonderful sites. Have also nominated you for best class blog with a link on our class site, given how influential and inspiring that you and your students are. Best of luck.
I'm sure you'll receive your share of nominations for another great year of blogging!
We have 2 weeks to go before we go on holidays for 6 weeks! I want to thank you for your continued support through our first year of classroom blogging. We've enjoyed the interaction and look forward to more as we return to school in 2010!
Mr Lamshed
Dear Mr.C,
when I looked at your blog I was very surprised! I couldn't believe that our 5th grade blog won the blog award. That is very cool! Thanks a bunch for that!
Dear Mr.C,
I really like that you chose the East dragon den for the Nominations for the 2009 Edublog Awards. I really like it because I work on the East dragon den. i also have a blog called
Dear Mr. C,
Thanks for nominating our 5th grade school blog! My teachers were excited when they saw East Dragon Den written up in my computer on you blog. Also thank you for commenting on my blog. Though I wish you had a welcome post so I can response to your question. I'm going to respond hear though. I would cry but after a while I would just tell myself that I would have to deal with life. But down inside I would still be mad, disappointed, and sad. Before I forget the book is called Roman Diary the author is Richard Platt and the illustrator is David Parkins.
Thanks tons,
Really appreciate the nomination for our class blog. Currently working on my nomination post, planning on spreading the love to you and a few other really deserving teachers for nominations.
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