The first activity will be for you to label a paper map of the 50 states. Afterwards play the game below and see how well you do. Let me know what your first score is so I can record it.
For this activity, we will be making a couple maps of Canada. We are going to be creating a political, physical, and climate map. First, let's watch this EPCOT video from the Canada Pavilion:
Now that you get a feel for the 'flavor' of Canada, let's do a little learning about the country. You will label the capitals, provinces and territories and then color the climate zones of Canada and create a key which will let me know what the colors represent.
What are the major climate areas of Canada?
What are the provinces, territories and capitals of Canada?
The Pequot Wars started with the death of one man and ended with making use of the word Pequot a crime. We often put the Puritans on a pedestal, due mainly to the pride many Americans have with being remotely descended from a passenger on the Mayflower as well as politicians constantly referring to them when they talk about our Judeo-Christian culture.
Essential Question: Is violence inevitable between indigenous peoples and colonists?
St. Augustine is the oldest continuously inhabited European settlement in the continental borders of the US. Why did the Spanish set up colonies in what is now Florida? What were they looking for and did they find it? Why did France later set up a colony and what happened to it? These are the questions we will be answering with this lesson.
Essential Question: What countries colonized the land that is now Florida?
Can you name which countries colonized the Americas?
Anecdotes from my trip to St. Augustine over the summer.
Since we are working on finding information in the textbook, we are going to identify the page number where we find the answers for our review questions. As you identify where you find the answers, add the page number on the class white board. If you are struggling to find an answer, use the white board to narrow your search.