- Why is culture important?
Engage: Vocabulary Review
- Bigotry
- Children’s Crusade of 1963
- Complicit
- Exonerate
- Freedom Rides
- Ideology
- Infallible
- Injunction
- Jim Crow
- Voices of Civil Rights Video (44:20)
Explain: Questions take from: https://images.history.com/images/media/pdf/VoicesofCivilRightsguide.pdf
- How has this documentary made you think differently
about the civil rights era? - In what ways does this program affect your views of history and the
ways it should be told? - How do you define civil rights? In light of your answer, what would you say are the beginning
and ending dates of the civil rights era in the United States? - Some of the interviewees implied that during the civil rights era “there were two Americas.”
Do you think this is an accurate description? - How do the interviewees in this film describe their experiences as students during integration?
- How does the social climate of your school compare/contrast to that of public schools during
integration? - How does the theme of forgiveness appear in the stories?
- In what tangible ways can you see the impact of the civil rights era in your community?
- Historians often ensure historical accuracy via fact-checking. How could someone ensure the
stories in this film are accurate? How is fact-checking for oral history similar to the process for
printed documents? How does it differ? - Why are some “voices” readily heard in the historical record while others are not? In what ways
can historians seek out unheard voices? - The stories in this program will be archived at the Library of Congress. What are some steps
and technologies we can use to preserve these stories for future generations?
- Class Discussion of questions
- Nine from Little Rock video