Friday, March 27, 2020

Covid 19 Day 5: Friday Evolution of the "Friends" Theme Song

Well, it looks like we may be at home for a long, long time and I want to let you know that I am thinking about all of you. Here is a video I hope you like, if you have Netflix you probably have already been watching Friends (with parents permission ;) so you already know the song.

If you don't recognize, the two old guys at the end are The Rembrandts, the guys who performed the song on the show.

I would love to hear from you, if you are visiting the blog leave me a comment and say hello. Comment moderation is still on so it won't show up after you post until I see it. 

I am planning on adding a fun video every day for you to watch. If you have any recommendations (school appropriate) leave it in the comments.

Stay safe and we will talk soon.

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